Return to Index › Kojen and Chain Schools in Taiwan, good or bad???
#1 Parent Nigel Daly - 2004-12-31
groundless slander against school 4a

For more information about Kojen and specifically replies to the slander against school 4a and me, Nigel Daly, see Forumosa.com:


At this thread, I have made my formal reply. Also, real teachers who have worked with me past and present at school 4a have replied to the baseless allegations.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about Kojen or teaching in Taiwan.


Nigel Daly

#2 Parent Michael Stanly - 2004-11-19

I never worked for Kojen, but my friend did for about a while until she quit in disgust. She was based out of the branch is Gonguan and had some Canadian director named Nigel something or other. The stories she told me were shocking. Apparently teachers came and went like mad because of this guy. On a bit of a power trip I guess. I don't know about other branches though. Maybe they're OK. I worked for HESS and now for Sesame Street. HESS had problems too but what place doesn't I guess. I like Sesame Street. It's kind of slack, but my employers are nice and I like the kids. For me it's not the school but the environment. I'd like to get back to NZ and some fresh air! Cheers and good luck in finding a good place to work!

Julie Garton and Gemma Foster - 2004-04-23
Kojen and Chain Schools in Taiwan, good or bad???

Has anybody taught at a Kojen school in Tawian?? How was your experience there? What did you like or dislike. Are there any chain schools in Taiwan that you'd reccommend??

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