Return to Index › Yemen for $300.... Paaaaalleeeeeese
#1 Parent Gary Harwell - 2004-12-12
King Fahad U.

King Fahad U. has been around for a long time and people have worked there for long periods of time. Some like it and some don't. You probably won't get the perks of other places but two months vacation in the summer helps.

They have their supply of scoundrels but what place doesn't. The city may have people who want to Murder you for being Western but no worse than Houston, New York or London.

In short they are acceptable by Saudi standards. Don't expect them to be and do what you want them to be and do. If you go with an open mind and accept them as they are then you should do OK?

Good Luck

#2 Parent David - 2004-12-12
Working Middle East

Dear Gary,
Thank you for the real position on working in the middle east.One question is King fahd University ok or do we red flag them.

Gary Harwell - 2004-12-11
Yemen for $300.... Paaaaalleeeeeese

Any person that goes to Yemen for $300 deserves what happens to you. In Yemen there is a large dislike for Westerners. "Work for Free and BE A TARGET."

A person should not take less than $2000 to go anywhere in the Middle East. ARAMCO pays $5800 a Month. Other places pay between $3,000 and $4,000 a month. $300 in the Middle East is an insult to the profession.

That is as bogus as the organizations that say "Pay us $3500 and you can come and volunteer."

Don't do it....
Don't go....
Take your own body bag if you do....

OR< You might go and have a great time feeling good about yourself. I checked with McDonalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken and they don't take the "Feel-Good Card"

Gary Harwell

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