Return to Index › Circle English School Korla China
#1 Parent Dougald Hine - 2005-02-15
Circle English, Korla

I worked for Circle English from January to June 2004. When I arrived, it was quite a small operation - about five teachers, including the owners. (I think it's a bit bigger now.) Most of the work I did was actually for a local senior middle school - I was teaching Senior 1, so the students were about 16, well disciplined, English ranging from basic to very good. There was also some weekend work teaching at Circle English training centre itself. The workload in general was not too taxing - 18 x 40 minute lessons per week. David and Jess were good employers, quite young and tended to live alongside the rest of us as friends rather than as bosses. I was always paid on time and the money went a long way. The apartment I was in was fine - quite new and bright, decently furnished (I asked for a leather chair for reading in and they bought one for me!). Korla is a long way from everywhere, so don't imagine you'll easily use it as a base for lots of weekend trips - the furthest you'll get is Urumqi or Turfan. But Mr Tao, the school's Chinese business partner, used to take us on day trips to villages or into the mountains.

I had a great time in Korla. If you look at my blog (http://www.livejournal.com/users/duke_aldhein) from last May or June, you'll get some idea of what it was like. If anyone has more questions, contact me through the blog.

BillJacot - 2004-12-14
Circle English School Korla China

I am seeking information from any one that has had experience with an operation known as Circle English School or Academy in Korla,China. Anyone with personal information please email me or post on this site as you prefer.Thank you in advance.

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