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#1 Parent Jonathan - 2007-05-29








#2 Parent esl in asia - 2004-12-24

Sadly, you may have a point. :|

#3 Parent L.L - 2004-12-24
Thank You!

The flowers are amazingly adorable,decorated my cozy room for the coming Christmas,now i sit in front of them,wishing the sender Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
And To You All!
Best Wishes from L.L

#4 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-23
...and I mean...

Dear LL,

i stand before you, cap in hand, and then proffer an immense bouquet - luscious; glistening still with dewy pearls, that settled in the verdant fields, this very morn, these fulgent hues conspiring with
the fragrancies that permeate the atmosphere therefrom...

...and humbly await your kind acceptance.

#5 Parent L.L - 2004-12-23
The Crossword

Hi,please don't mistake me with other people,I am not that sort of people who mock others under different names.I have read your other threads,i think you are quite a wise and funny guy.I really don't want to be attacked by a person whom i think i might be friends with.Yes ,I have a husband who is not my nation,but i never joined his nation for a better future.we are still struggling of finding a way of living in China.
This topic has led to a war,and i really don't want to make any enemies in this not-my-issue,esp.you Mr.Crossword. So here I am declaring that i am not Jesus,or Jerome,or be grateful,or etc,I was only trying to help that poor couple just like you did,so what do you think?
P.S I am standing here waiting for you coming here tomorrow with a bunch of flowers in your right hand.

#6 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-23
I mean...

...Jesus I mean LL i mean i don't know what i mean anymore...

don't envy me fellas, it's a real trial being so popular among the ladies at times...you lose track of what name belongs to which goddess...

...and they are such lovely creatures.

jesus is a girl's name right?

#7 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-23

Thanks for the concern, but I don't think I'll be begging LL for a job anytime in this lifetime. She's got a passport and a husband now - it being nothing more than pure coincidence that when people iterate matters pertaining to their life they tend to do so in an order of decreasing relative importance - so I'm sure she can get along quite well without the likes of me.

I'm not sure what you have read into my post, but I can tell you that I've always found my Chinese employers to be be scrupulously honest in the matter of payment for work done, and have never encountered any of the problems that seem to beset others in this country from time to time, so I would have no call to "bad-mouth" any of them as you have so delicately put it.

hey thanks for the tip about the BA - is that one of them university type things or something?

#8 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-23
Alex dear,

I have never at any time set out to mock you in any way, and if at any time u take the time to point out the deficiencies in my Chinese - which I am sure are grossly more pronounced than any you might have in English - I will be extremely grateful to you no matter what the tenor of your reply.

Onward Ho.

#9 Parent nan nan - 2004-12-23
the same person!~

Citizen is best,best is Jerome.
Jerome is Mr wang(Liao Ning Fu Shun Fei Fan School)

Hi,every foreigner teacher:

Don't go to this school.

Nan Nan

#10 Parent Gary - 2004-12-23
Don't hide Best

Best? Are you hiding under a different name?

Who the hell are you?


#11 Parent james - 2004-12-22
Shut up!

#12 Parent nan nan - 2004-12-22

do you know "sha bi"
the meanting is you are very foolish...st##id ..f##k man....

#13 Parent nan nan - 2004-12-22
"sha bi"is you!~


You think every woman the same your girlfriend,want your money..you should go home..she wait for you..want sex you...I hope you and your girlfriend have a good night!~

You can laugh at me ,my english is poor..but i don't care....

I love gary.do you understand?

what ??you no happy?gary and I together!~

don't worry!~If you take your girlfriend to your country..she will love you!~

Don't worry!~have good life in china!~

#14 Parent nan nan - 2004-12-22

You think every woman the same your girlfriend only like your money?

I love gary!(LOVE HIS HEART}do you understnad?

If you want your girlfriend really love you,I can teach you,you give her money,and take her to your country..she will love you!~

you can laugh at me,my english is poor.but i don't care!~

I love gary!~I love gary!~

you can use your money buy girlfriend..don't worry!~

good life in china!~



#15 Parent citizen - 2004-12-22
really easy

Sorry! I can't remember promising my girlfriend that I would take her to England .Don't give her any ideas. Lol!

I would ever believe something as asinine as that. I would like to hear from your girlfriend?

#16 Parent nan nan - 2004-12-22

What coulour you are?If you are very ugly ,don't enjoy us!~ok?

#17 Parent Gary Borck - 2004-12-22
Fear and paranoia!

Sorry! I can't remember promising my girlfriend that I would take her to England .Don't give her any ideas. Lol!

As for fear of the "yellow peril" ,the only fear and paranoia seems to come from certain Chinese schools who seem to be afraid of a "black peril".

However you don't understand this, and likely never will.

What do you care anyway ,it probably doesn't affect you! Right? Me and my girlfriend will stay where we choose to ,thank you ,but thanks for your concern!


#18 Parent Dos - 2004-12-22

Jesus, doesn't matter what passport you have, you are talking complete crap. If you think that foreigners will have to beg for a job in China in the near future you are thinking with your rear end. Again.

Why do foreigners come to China? Chinese people and companies INVITE them to!! Dickwad. You should know what that means, being American and all.

#19 Parent Reflection - 2004-12-22

So you call yourself a smart ass from correcting other people's typing errors?If you put as much effort on your own job as a teacher,there would be no dumb asses ages ago.

#20 Parent Best! - 2004-12-22

Gary: Please fulfill your promises.. take your girlfriend home. Perhaps the paranoia and fear of the "yellow peril" does not exist there. Best wishes either way!
Gou: Congratulations and best wishes on your journey to the other side!
Thanks to both of you for your time and your work your efforts in cn are greatly appreciated!

#21 Parent Gary Borck - 2004-12-22
English Schools in China! Sorry Changsha not guilty!

Okay! I know we have a good thing going here in China,as regards teaching ESL. However I have to make it clear that I was not mocking the said school in my earlier letter. I was just pointing out something, that was not just to me a blatant injustice,but something I thought might be of help to other ESL teachers in China .Does that mean I'm playing God? ,and could you also tell me where I said in my letter that I hate Chinese schools?I have had many responses to my application's for jobs ,asking me what my skin colour is .Could you tell me WHAT DOES SKIN COLOUR HAVE TO DO WITH TEACHING ESL IN CHINA!!.Don't you realise that many yellow people are discriminated against too? What gives Chinese Schools the write to be HORRIBLE!

I have, and never will beg for a job in my life !!As you indicated ,there are many countries where ESL can be taught.

I would like to say thank you to Zero Tolerance. I wish him all the best .Thank you too, to LL .I will be in touch soon!

Gary Borck

#22 Parent Jesus - 2004-12-22
God Bless you(I wish)

There is now law says that i can not put up whatever i want in my thread.It must have shocked you that you have never thought about foreigners will have to beg for a job in China in the very near future.HaHaHa,anyway,thank you for your advise on my English.I actually have an American passport.

#23 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2004-12-22
Before mocking other people,check your own tolerance first

The Crossword.
Before you try to prove how much tolerance other people have,ask yourself how much you have or whether you have any,if you had even 1% tolerance,you wouldn't have mocked everybody already.

#24 Parent L.L - 2004-12-22
don't mistake what i meant

Nan Nan,Keep working on your English ,you will kick asses.I was never going to try to impress you with my English as Mr."the crossword" said in his posting.Anyway ,Best Wishes to you and your boyfriend.

#25 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-22
Extension of Previous Policy

Hey, if you're not really Jesus, you're certainly doing a damn good speaking-in-tongues act here.

I managed to extract a little bit of meaning from your response - and I'm not sure what it was a response to - but nowhere in this entire thread have I seen anything from any of the posters saying that they dislike China one iota, never mind "hate it". The topic has not even been remotely mentioned, unless you're somehow making a connection between that and the complaints of a Chinese person upset at a certain individual over the treatment of her boyfriend. Anyway, she didn't tar all Chinese with same brush and I don't see why you seem so keen to do so.

Here's a tip for you: go and do another 3 years of intensive English study with professional teachers, then reread this thread and any of the messages on it again, and then respond.

Then at least it might appear to us that you at least understand a little of what you read, though time would only tell if you had the competence to actually comment on it.

And by the way - seeing as you brought the topic up -have you any idea how much Chinese people winge and whine and complain when they go to other countries? Have you? No you havent because youve hardly ever been anywhere and you know nothing. Well I can tell you that they do it just as much as everybody else.

Don't choke on your mooncake now.

Best of luck for your future studies!


God (not playing)

#26 Parent Impressed - 2004-12-22
Good English

You certainly can speak very good English,in fact,you probably speak better English than most dumb foreign asses i know,I am impressed.
P.S this posting has nothing to do with the original debate,i just have read LL's posting and though her English was really good if she was a Chinese.

#27 Parent Jessy - 2004-12-22

What you said is very right,the wisest posting on this issue.other people seem over-reacted ,maybe they are just obsessed with debates.

#28 Parent Aha - 2004-12-22

Ha,It's getting interesting,carry on fighting with each other.

#29 Parent Be grateful - 2004-12-22
Chill Out

Hey,Chill out ,people,we do actually live on Chinese people's land and get paid by them,there are bad employers,but there are bad employers everywhere,at the moment,foreigners can pick the schools,but what will happen after 1 year?2 years?3 years? China is developing fast,and as I know,the laws of employing foreign teachers has been improved month by month,yes,I call it month by month,and from Jan.1st 2005 on,those foreigners who do not have a BA degree,who do not have work visas,who do not have a teaching certificate can not work in China anymore.You people should start worrying about whether you will get a job or not later on instead of mocking Chinese schools and Chinese people here,you may have to beg those schools who you badmouth now for a job in the near future.Always remember: Always leave yourself a way out!

#30 Parent Jesus - 2004-12-22
Stop playing the God

Somebody just jumped out and placed his expressions on everyone,pretended like he is the God and he knows the right and wrong.I have some words too to tell you sort:Stop playing the God!You are just another foreigner who is enjoying the Chinese women and cheap standard of living and higher salary in China.If you people hate China so much and Chinese schools,then get your asses back to your own country and hide under your mum's skirt.It is really funny when you think about it,foreigners get money,get free good accommodations,get airfare compensations ,get allowances,get paid holidays,get everything,and they still complain.China and Chinese schools have spoiled you sort for so long and it is their time to be mean ,picky and horrible.I am glad that more and more foreigners complain about Chinese schools here,in the very near future,you will have to beg for a job here like you do in your own country.

#31 Parent The Crossword - 2004-12-22
zero tolerance

Jumpin' jehosophats! First we had some clown on here who can't string a coherent sentence together berating poor young Nan Nan for her efforts,then along came his illiterate support crew and now we are being subjected to even more sickening pretentiousness on the subject.

Listen you numbskulls, Nan Nan here expressed her concerns very clearly I thought. She wasn't claiming to able to express herself perfectly in English and she had a pretty good reason in mind for trying to express herself at all, which certainly wasn'nt just to try impress us as some others have tried so hard and yet failed so miserably to do. Here's some advice to you lot: give up.

As for Nan Nan and Garry: best of luck to you both; I'm sure you'll find something much better than what was on offer at the place you have had these problems with.

#32 Parent L.L - 2004-12-22

What Nan Nan wrote is very true,Chinese schools do suck.we shouldn't mock Nan Nan about her English,but I do not think that Jerome really laughed at Nan Nan,All foreigners when they first read a Chinese person's posting they all think in their head:What the f##k? but that's just in their head,Jerome expressed it out and that was very wrong because this hurt people's feelings.I think Jerome is forgivable and Nan Nan is brave to express her anger in another language.Anyway we should put more attention on the school they talked about,not Nan Nan's English and Nan Nan and Gary's private life.Forgive me if there is anything wrong above about my English because it is not my monther Tongue.My husband certainly did his job as my English teacher---Ooops,I hope this didn't hurt Gary's feelings.

#33 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2004-12-22
Before laughing at others', check your own mistakes first.

Before laughing at others', check your own mistakes first. I don't think there was anything wrong with Nan-nan. Don't forget she was a student. She had the courage to defend her boy friend by using her limited language skills. If anybody's fault, that's Gary's. In China, "Once a teacher, always a teacher". That means he had the responsibility of correcting her mistakes in the process of learning. While some of you were mocking her for her mistakes, had you ever re-read your own writing? To be quite frankly speaking, among most of the post in the forum, lots of mistakes were treated as typing errors. I believe we all understand. Students need encouragements, not mockery.

#34 Parent Paul - 2004-12-21
What I think

At least Jerome put up his email address,not like you guys,just mock him from the behind.I found his posting quite interesting,maybe when you people see this you find a new one to attack,but hey I don't mind.It is rewarding to bring you boring people something to talk about.

#35 Parent Foreigner Teacher - 2004-12-20

Yeah ha, you engrish is very gooder ha. She at least is trying and I understand her English.

BUT YOUR ENGRISSSHHHH IS REALLY VERY THE PATHETIC and yet you wanting to mocking other person YEAH.

YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO PEOPLE OF OUR PROFESSION. You must to going home and washing dishes at Mcdonalds. Maybe a Janitor working job fitting you.

#36 Parent Gary Borck - 2004-12-20
my girlfriend's English


You seem to have an obsession with my girlfriend's English.What's up?

I don't know which country you are in,butif you are living in a foreign country, can you write a letter in that country's native tongue better than her letter?

If you can't ,then you'd better find a girlfriend in that country and shut up!

You mentioned us only having sex.Maybe your problem is you're not getting any sex yourself.You sound very frustrated .

Actually,we often speak Chinese together,not English.

Anyway,don't worry,I hope your sex life improves.

Never mind!!

Gary Borck

#37 Parent esl in asia - 2004-12-20
Am I to beleive you are a native speaker???

If this is not a ruse and a real Chinese lady, then let me correct YOUR BAD English. So lets just entertain this little list shall we:

1) british boyfriend ---- British boyfriend (British is a proper noun)
2) Acctually I can't ---- Actually, (great spelling and lack of punctuation)
3) until i read ----- I (I should be capitalized the last time I checked)
4) posting.forgive ----- posting . Forgive ( punctuation and capitalization)

Ah hell, I think I stop counting. Only ignorant people find fault with others that learn their language. Indeed, I should think you still have to learn your own. This is the reason why I hate ESL: too many dumbasses in this profession.if you call it that.


#38 Parent Jerome - 2004-12-20
Nannan,Your English


I am not writing this to mock you,but I am curious,how can you still speak such broken English since you have a british boyfriend ? Acctually I can't quite understand what you were talking about until i read your boyfriend's posting.forgive me but i am really curious,do you guys acctually communicate with each other or just have sex?

Never Mind!!!

nan nan - 2004-12-20
bad school in changsha fei fan!

Dear teacher:

My name is gou nan nan,I am from china.My boyfriend is from england..he is a native english teacher.He is a very good teacher..

He come to china 2 years already.before he teach in liao ning .and beijing morden english.he go to every school..the students like him very much.

In beijing..the students always want he came back,miss him...

Now,we are in yun nan..but have a problem..about changsha school..the shool want foreigner teacher..so gary send photo.tefl.passport ,every thing..

I don't understand the school.the teacher Mr wang ask gary..how height..and want send whole picture...

So I ask the school why.Mr wang say..
the students like tall and white person..If black and short ......students laugh at you..

I am chinese woman..I don't like chinese person do that...chinese person is yellow ..is not white.........most chinese person is short than foreiger....I don't think so it's students want teacher tall and white..I think it's school want....they want tall and white teacher go to his school...they will make money.they don't care students english change better.

Hi,Mr wang,I want to know what coulor you are .and how height you are..and are you handsome man!~I am a chinese .the same you ..i am yellow ...are you white?????If I meet you,I would fight you....you lost chinese person face...lost your school face!~~~

Don't forget ,You are a chinese ....don't lost china face...

If you go to the other country ..foreigner say:you are chinese ...you are a pig....I don't like yellow..are you happy????????

nan nan

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