Return to Index › Any information on Lingo school in japan
#1 Parent ichinenme@hotmail.com - 2004-12-27
language schools

I hope it's not too late to comment before you actually sign a contract with Lingo. I would heartily recommend you consider another school.

While Takamatsu is a great city with lots to do, the work environment at Lingo leaves something to be desired. Please consider larger schools such at Nova, Aeon or Geos. They are actually more flexible if you get on with them.

Also, please look up Lingo on the web for comments by others who have looked into it.

Japan is a great place to work. Find a good company to work with.

Good luck.

Anetta Paone - 2004-12-03
Any information on Lingo school in japan

Hi Everybody,

I was wondering if anybody has any information about the Lingo school in Japan. I've been offered a position there. Any information would help.


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