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#1 Parent William - 2004-12-28

Thank you Arro, I appreciate the true objective view you give.

I am just a little tired of the Observer who pollutes every posting on this website with his mindless babbling.

Nothing personal, just want him to not put his two cents into everything, especially since he just makes satirical comments and doesn't give helpful suggestions.

He asks me not to read it if I don't like it, well, I wish I had the choice not to read it, but since the observer wants to make so many comments about everything, it is hard to ignore it since he puts his nose in every bit of business.

#2 Parent The Observer - 2004-12-28
lil' ol' me

well sunshine,

you can be quite sure that I spend far less time writing my meaningless crap than you spend reading it.

i don't mind Arro, there's usually something mildly amusing or interesting about his drivel, but as far as you and the other bloke go, your stuff just has the wrong end of "not very bright" written all over it.

in the case of 'observe this', the word "coward" springs immediately to mind too.

anyway, you all carry on with your half-baked attempts at frat boy cynicism, and if you don't like what i write, well don't bother reading it and commenting on it; or carry on - it doesn't affect me in an adverse way, on the contrary it just makes me love you more. i'm certainly not put off by the likes of you one bit, and never have been.

the insecure always congregate in groups, and even in your cuddly group i sincerely doubt that you would pose a real challenge of any sort.

lots of kisses.

#3 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-12-28
Now ... now ...

Awwww, c'mon now, dear chaps ...

;) Give the poor bloke a break, already! He merely epitomizes the end result of too many years devoted to the same bloody line of activity, probably too little sexual activity, and one gigantic case of - how shall I put it - OCULAR RETUM-ITIS, better known as a shi**y outlook on life! (ahem)

Now, on to the more important things in life, i.e., trying to discover a more self-satisfying means of justifying our existence. Onward, men!

With love,

The Arrogant One

#4 Parent William - 2004-12-27
Response to tje Observer

Speaking of meaningless crap, isn't that all that the Observer guy writes on this website. It is so great that the observer makes our lives so much more interesting with his two cents worth of his worthless opinions and satire.

Thank you so much Observer, you have really made all of our lives a little better.

Hey Observer, why don't you quit wasting your time and all of our time, go to something useful like plant some trees or go donate some blood. I am sure you can use some more exercise, since all you do is post your brilliant responses on this website all day, so go do yourself a favour and ride a bike.

#5 Parent Observe This - 2004-12-27
-Like my play on words to get his goat

This is how you will turn out after too many years teaching English!

Take a good read of this guy: do you really want to be like him? In some ways, he should be inspiring. Yes, inspiring. Its people like him that motivate me to exit stage left in this profession (if you can call it a profession). Seriously, this is a career move for him. Its no wonder why he writes such meaningless crap on this board.

William - 2004-12-27
The Observer

Who is this guy who post so many things on this website, who calls himself "The Observer"?

Doesn't he have anything better to do?

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