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#1 Parent jamis - 2005-01-11
Tsunami relief fund

Tsunami relief fund

Responding to and assessing the damage in Sri Lanka and Indonesia

Send your every single dollar to our e-gold account

E-gold account number is 1772839

Tsunami relief fund
1325 23rd St. South
ND 58103
Tele +151456467678

#2 Parent CB - 2005-01-09
an idea for helping out

there are many things that u can do, even as one teacher.
you can hold a fundraising event. anything from bake sale to a concert. one thing that i'm working on right now with some volunteers at school is to organize a "Walk for Tsunami". it will take some time, but if you just organize one for the school where u are teaching, it can be small scale. Ask participants to purchase tickets, and the money from the tickets can be sent to aid the victims of the Tsunami disaster.
good luck. remember that there are alot of other people out there who are willing to help but they just dont know how, you can initate it.

#3 Parent Herbert - 2005-01-04
Tsunami Message

Amos 5:8

"He who made the Pleiades and Orion,
and turns deep darkness into the morning
and darkens the day into night,
who calls for the waters of the sea
and pours them out on the surface of the earth,
the Lord is his name;"

The message is clear:

"We Only have ONE TRUE GOD and the LORD is his name"

#4 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-02
I didn't like them either

I didnt know that. You know, some of these companies may be contributing for selfish reasons to garner good PR that will lead to profits later.

However, that is still better than nothing I guess. I never did like Vodafone. Thanks for the new Web site. Ill read more of it.

Its also true you dont see KBR, the subcontractor in Iraq, giving money to charity but they sure are making big bucks in Iraq. But I know those other corps are just working a PR campaign.

In any event, I donated to Oxfam and the Red Cross. Im glad that others, for whatever reason, are giving money. Even Bush has had to cough up the cash after criticism while he was basking on the ranch.

I really hope those affected can come out better in the end somehow.

#5 Parent Concerned - 2005-01-02
Asian Disaster - Selfish and Greedy Companies Link

Some of the worlds largest companies have all donated funds for the releif effort. I was there fore dissapointed to learn Vodafone the worlds largest mobile comms company, have announced that they will not be funding the effort as a company. Whats even more suprising is that there group cheif executive is born in Asia.
I dont care much for the morality of this company but what upsets me the most is that Vodafone have been awared lucrative deals with the goverment to provide mobile communications for public services such as the emergency service, they allso provide communications for the armed services and various other govermant departments. When its time to take they are quick enough , When its time to give there pockets are sealed. Should the goverment support such ba conmpany. You might like to see the full article at www.bullyweb.info
Personally I have allready changed my mobile phone to rival O2

#6 Parent Henry - 2004-12-29
Info exchance forum Link

There's a forum about missing people etc, here:


#7 Parent Don - 2004-12-29
emergency disaster message board for esl teachers

A forum specifically for esl teachers trying to trace lost friends has been up and running for several days at http://www.activeboard.com/forum.spark?forumID=46357

#8 Parent Gary - 2004-12-28
Viable but Improbable Solution

One solution which I don't think would happen is to make the companies and countries that benefited from the Oil for Food Scandal in Iraq cough up the money they ripped off from the Iraqi people. Make Kofi and his gang, Germany, France, Switzerland, Russia and China pay for the Disaster Relief. Make the Criminals pay. Saudi Arabia could stop aiding Terrorist and give the money to
Disaster Relief. Instead of concentrating on Blowing up Innocent Civilians in iraq with Car bombs, maybe Zarqouwi and his gang could go and help with Disaster Relief. May binLaden would like to give some momney to Disaster Relief instead of concentrating on Killing Civilians. Who knows, Maybe the Right Wing, and Drug Gangs in Colombia could put their money into Disaster Relief...the list goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.

#9 Parent just one little teacher - 2004-12-28
there must be something...

Can't we do more though? There has to be something... I am in shock, yet I feel like I can do nothing but at the same time feel compelled to do something.

If I was at home and this situation happened, it would be so far away from me that I indeed could do very little, but here a lot of us are, closer than we ever would be and still feel like we can do nothing. There must be something...

Any ideas?

Would going there to help really make a lot of difference right now? Where would you even start???

#10 Parent esl in asia - 2004-12-28

I feel dumb-stricken and in disbelief at the carnage. I think we should all give pause and respect to those that needlessly lost their life. When the Red Crescent and others set up a fund, I think we should contribute to these poor people. Sadly, it was mostly the poor that lost their life. For that reason, governments are acting with record lethargy. If it had been New York, we wouldve seen services abound.

All I can do is contribute money. I wish I could do more.

just one little teacher - 2004-12-28
Asian tsunami disaster

Has anyone heard from or been in contact with those ESL teachers in the tsunami areas? What do they need? What's happening and is there any way that we can help?

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