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#1 Parent Mark Charters - 2008-08-22
Re: EF Fuzhou

1. Not having had the privilege of working here, I would say that you are somewhat under qualified to pass such rash judgment on our school, Silverboy. EF teachers are expected to teach a maximum of 20 hours classroom time a week. In reality, it rarely runs to so many hours. Additionally, EF teachers are paid a return airfare (often in the region of 1,000 - 1,400 USD), accommodation (typically equivalent to 750RMB per teacher per month), medical insurance (does your "real" school provide this?) and a proper Z visa - not an illegal F visa with 3 monthly runs to HK or Macau to renew.

2. EF does indeed have a curriculum, but at EF Fuzhou, teachers are asked to use the course texts only as a guide and are given a great degree of freedom as to how they supplement the course book. In fact, they have a remit to ignore the course book completely if they have a more effective way to impart the grammar, lexis or vocabulary necessary. We have just completed a very successful summer course here, which has seen students undertake such diverse activities as writing, storyboarding, filming and editing a short drama, making modelling clay puppets, a background and writing and performing a puppet show, recreating a courtroom trial with each student playing a role (judge, defendant, witness etc etc), team-building exercises based on communication led activities such as building bridges from newspaper and toothpicks to hold as large a weight as possible (great for comparatives, adjectives and explaining a process). Definitely NO personal creativity involved there then, eh?

3. From my experience of teaching at universities here, the typical set up is - teach these English majors spoken English for 90 minutes a week with no curriculum, no guidance from above and no resources to work with. All done in an atmosphere where the deans, Chinese English teachers and departmental heads cannot even hold a basic English conversation and conduct all business in Chinese. Furthermore it will often be to classes of upwards of 40 students. Teachers in this situation usually fall back on the old gem of "topics" and asking students to make piffling presentations which do not equate to any comprehension or spontaneous use of English. However if you feel "worthier" because you work for a "real" school, that's your prerogative. Our students get close, personal attention from teachers and lots of STT. Do yours?

4. This is just ridiculous. You have clearly been embittered by one nasty experience you've had, but please don't spread your venom and bitterness over people you don't know. This tarring with the same brush attitude may wind up some hopeless punters, but anyone with an ounce of objectivity will realise that like any other kind of institution, there are some good, some mediocre and some downright bad. Some are run well, others not so well. But a religious sect for goodness sake. Come on, admit your imagination got a little carried away there or you'll be a laughing stock.

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