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#1 Parent Batman - 2008-08-23
Re: A Ft`s common mistake in China

An English teacher has reminded me of my special collection of keys ( 5 keys in 5 years ):
- the first key from my flat in Tonghua ( Jilin ). I got it from Ms. Liu, the boss from Royal English school
- the second key from Dongguan Sunshine Training Centre in Guangdong
- the third key from Mundanjiang Teachers College in Heilongjiang
- the forth key from Xuzhou Normal University in Jiangsu
- the fifth key from Hunan Vocational College of Foreign Languages in Changsha
I told the FAOs that I want like to leave. Their answers: " We can talk about this later. Here is your timetable for next week."
An English teacher is right. The way out is not to accept anymore a FAOs invitation to live in the school`s flat before signing the contract. I was a newbie in China in 2004, when I gave it a run from Royal English School in Tonghua, Jilin province. I couldn`t speak Chinese at all. How to tell a taxi driver: " Take me to the train station, please !" A Chinese friend from another province came to take from there. Chinese English teachers from a specific school will not help you out, because they might lose their jobs if their boss finds out.
Every summer, I visit two or three schools. I always had the same problem. How to leave a school after placing my luggage in the FT`s flat ? The FAO doesn`t want you to leave and will do his/her best to stop you.
I dealt with the Foreign Experts Working Association only once though. It`s not that simple. The FTs must send them a fax with all the details of their complaint. I was right and my name was deleted from China`s police website. That FAO even aplogized in the end.
What problems can you have if you choose to live in a hotel ? None of those mentioned above. But if you are penniless, stay better in your country ! Don`t check Chinese schools with less than 5.O00 RMB in your wallet !
Linguisticus, you are just a lucky guy !
This is the first time, when I agree with the poster, Turnoi.

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