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#1 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-03
No, I don't

That was a lame rebuttal if Ive ever heard one. To answer your childish question, no I dont hate the Brits. Excluding you, they are pretty educated people whove matured from their mistakes in the past.

I also believe they have a better ESL training system than in both Canada and the U.S. There...happy? Now dont go crying to mummy. And the polar bear stereotype is like saying all Brits wear those silly little black hats with a black umbrella.

#2 Parent Misha - 2005-01-03

Yeah, that actually does make sense ESL N Asia, but I don't think we were generalizing, rather just sharing information about a bad experience, just like many teachers share info about bad experiences working for a company.

Some countries have more of a problem and more frequent a problem than others. For example, doctors often make a generalized statement that malaria is very common in Honduras, so people should take the necessary precations. I think Gary was also doing the same, trust me, it is quite a frequent thing in Kazakhstan to get robbed alone a night. Yes, you can also get robbed in the USA or Canada, but it doesn't happend as frequently, just like malaria doesn't happen as frequently....

#3 Parent Jeff - 2005-01-03
Politics and more

ESL in Asia, why do you bring the war into the debate, now who is bringing the politics into this?

So you hate Americans for their war in Iraq. I suppose then you also hate us Brits too... We also have many tanks in Iraq. Do you also hate the other countries who participated....? Like Poland?

Maybe Canada will do something for the world one day, maybe you Mr. ESL in Asia, can lead an army of Canadian volunteers to help all the people suffering in South Asia now... or will Canada continue just to worry about more important things like Polar Bears.....

#4 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-02
Wrong answer actually..

-Apparently not. I left Canada knowing what to expect, since Ive lived in other countries. He left with obviously unrealistic expectations. Thats a big difference sporto.

When you leave your country, you cant leave your common sense...if you had any, that is.

#5 Parent William Box - 2005-01-02

"Keep things in perspective and go back to Alabama, please. I have a good question. Why did you leave America in the first place?????

Just another quote esl.

I think the answer is "for the same reason you left Canada!"

#6 Parent William Box - 2005-01-01
"I'll moider da bum."

"I'll moider da bum."
- Heavyweight boxer Tony Galento, when asked what he thought of William Shakespeare

Reminds me a lot of you.

I would really like to ignore you. However, you're such a repugnant bastard that my paternal instincts always compel me to defend others whom you attack.

I don't believe you understand the point of the whole conversation. Your lack of comprehension belies your self professed educational level. What, Harvard grad?

"Don't be so humble - you are not that great." - Golda Meir (1898-1978) to a visiting diplomat

Neither of these individuals was in America when he was attacked. One was in Russia and was relating her experiences while in Russia. Gary, I believe was in Germany and giving his opinion about his experiences in Germany.

You, on the other hand, seem to have no experience at anything. Except running your mouth! Which, I might add, from where I'm sitting at least, is quite large and always open. Hopefully, soon, you'll drown in a stagnant pool of lymph and vomit! Preferably, your own.

Hey, chill out, dude. If you don't like Gary's posts, then ignore them. Failing this, I'll have to make you my LIFE'S WORK.

By the way, your blatantly trite anti Amerianisms serve no good purpose, either. What a miserable little ninny you are..............

Must be a Canadian?

"People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855

#7 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-01
Ok ...you got me

What, you read one of his st##id Republican rants and now you think Im picking on him?

Nope, I dont feel sorry for the guy. Some people are just victims of their own st###dity. Now, if you want to defend him, maybe you should move to Alabama too. Maybe you can buy a double-wide next door. Bye yaall.

#8 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-01
Agree and disagree

Actually, the decoy money worked for me. The kid that pulled the gun on me in Cincinnati got so nervous, as it was daylight, that he just took my $5 and ran. However, if you read what I said, there are many tricks to use, thats just one of them.

You are right that some places are safer than others. However, you and Gary were generalizing whole countries and cities. I didnt think that was fair and to a degree that is racist and nationalist.

I just wanted to point out that travel has its risks and being a foreigner has its risks, but nothing that you cant prepare for with common sense. Sometimes people just dont understand the risks. Then when a bad thing happens, they blame the whole country, people or system. That is unfair and outright stupid. Thats why I wanted to point out that you can find it in your own country. We need to be careful how we point our proverbial fingers to assign blame.

#9 Parent Me! - 2005-01-01
Give him a break!

Why don't you give Gary a break? As far asI've noticed I haven't seen the guy personally attack anybody for no apparent reason .Which is more than can be said for people like you!!!

Yes he had a rant about terrorists earlier ,but is he wrong to condemn people who seem to enjoy killing innocent people ,and spreading mayhem everywhere?

A guy spends eight days in hospital , because of a beating and you think its funny?

What have you got against people from Alabama? Maybe you should go back to where YOU came from !!

#10 Parent Misha - 2005-01-01
Response to ESL

I do use this type of common sense, and you are right, it can happen anywhere, but it is more common in some countries than in others.

No, the decoy doesn't work, I tried that, I threw the money on the street, but they kept comming after me, doesn't work tried it.

Common sense, but, you know, some places you can walk home at night without having to be worried about being mugged, Japan for example.

#11 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-01
I wasn't being serious...well maybe

If you read Garys American Republican ramblings on this board, you would know why I made that joke. But I will say this, you keep talking about Russia or other countries like it cant happen in America. Sorry but you're both wrong!!!!

The idea of not walking along...well lets see, would you walk alone in downtown Chicago??? Russians may carry knives for protection but in America you have to pack a .357 magnum and be Dirty Harry.

Listen, maybe Ive just been lucky, but Ive travelled to many poor countries, including the Ukraine, and I just used common sense that I learned in American ghettos.

For example, you make sure you have decoy mug money. For those never mugged in America, thats a small amount of money you keep in your wallet to throw at the attackers. Meanwhile, the loot is somewhere else. I cant give you all the tactics on this board but suffice it to say, you can easily apply what you learn living in any big American city abroad. ITS NO DIFFERENT!!!

Thats my point. Would I walk at night in the Ukraine which has few street lights? No. Would I carry a wad of cash in my wallet? No. Do I get totally pissed and stagger home in a dark area. No.

Common sense Gary. As I said, go back to Alabama. Maybe you guys are a bunch of wimps that had mummy dearest serve you breakfast in bed. In that case, stay at home and DON'T TRAVEL.

#12 Parent Misha - 2004-12-31
Response to Gary H

1. I was also robbed, but I was robbed in Russia. 2. I was chased home to my hotel, but since I run fast, I escaped a beating.
3. I have also been pockpocketed in Mongolia last year.

I was robbed leaving the subway at 8pm at night, 3 guys jumped me, but they didnt hurt me and all they got was my mobile phone. I speak great Russian, but they are drunks and not friendly so, they just want to rob. Young men with nothing better to do. No one helped me or stepped in. The police were quite a distance away, so they had no clue. The city is too big, so we couldnt find them.

No, I wouldnt leave the country because I was afraid, but I wouldnt walk home alone at night, no men are that brave, not even the people who have lived there all their lives. If you must walk home alone, then carry a large knife and pepper gas, they are legal to have in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Georgia.

Best thing to do is not to walk home alone, that is when you become an easy target.

#13 Parent Misha - 2004-12-31
Response again

No, they don't target teachers.

Generally in European countries they target people who are alone at night or people who are dressed or acting strange.

In countries of different race, such as East Asia, foreigners are targeted because they are thought of to be all very rich, and ussually it is just petty thieves or pickpockets, not muggers or killers. They are not targeted because they are ESL teachers.

In North Africa and the Middle East, foreigners are targeted because of religous or political conflict, not because they are teachers!

#14 Parent The Arrogant One - 2004-12-31

Dear Gary,

First of all, please allow me to wish both you and yours A Very Happy New Year - '05! Secondly, I'd like to apologize to you and everyone else if my response to your post on the Asian tragedy in any way sounded as if I don't view the carnage as seriously as it deserves to be. It was merely your intensity and repetition that got to me. Were you, perhaps, a salesman before you took up ESL? If so, you MUST have done well!

Yes, I, too, am quite familiar with what you have described. Apparently the assailants -- all three of the nasty beggars -- had their sights on me for several days before springing into action. To make a long story short, they got roughly $500 cash, while I sustained a minor concussion, thus making me obliged to accept the hospitality of a Rio de Janeiro hospital for 4 days followed by an additional week's "vacation" from my nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. Did I wish to return home? You bet your Blue Azar I did! Did I feel I wanted immediate and unlimited retribution (better known in the States as "blood")? ROGER to that as well! And RIGHT ON AGAIN! ... One does become possessed with the notion that foreign teachers are the targets of every assaulter, crook, and con artist in any large city of any country on this planet. Therefore, there's really nowhere to run. Ergo, this is a risk you take by assuming residence anywhere.

Dear fellow, WHY do you insist upon referring to your own kind as lacking intestinal fortitude? I am proud to say that, only a few years ago, I was part of an ESL teachers' "rebellion" waged against an employer who, as is quite familiar these days, took his lion's share but refused to give anything in return ... not even a fair wage. There were also other infractions which I'll spare you of at the moment, but I merely wish to make it clear that this group of colleagues constituted some of the wisest and bravest of any ESL instructors with whom I've ever had the pleasure of being employed. YES! We proved our point and induced the timely observance of a much fairer code of consideration by the employer who, ironically enough, turned out to be a pretty decent fellow in his own right! No, Gary, I disagree: ESL instructors most assuredly DO have the ability to work together and make their statement loud and clear!

To cap off my opinion, I feel that, as adults living in an ultra-temperamental world society, we who travel to far-off places with only the purest and most honorable of intentions -- in this case abetting the cause of world communication -- should, nonetheless, be prepared to face the adversities of life which never seem to disappear. Getting hurt on foreign soil is never "easy" to bear under the circumstances. However, the fact that it often occurs far from home should never give you a false impression that it is, in any way, "exclusive" and could not occur even in your own backyard. That's the way I handled the problem when it came to my turn. Of course, I am an individual and cannot speak for everyone.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, ALL! May the future bring us all only the happiest of thoughts, activities, and experiences.

The Arrogant One

#15 Parent esl in asia - 2004-12-31
And you point is..

Gary, Gary, Gary...when I was in Cincinnati, Ohio, a kid of about 15 years pulled a small caliber handgun on me as I was walking back to my car. This was near the university and also near the ghetto downtown. I gave him my money, all 5 dollars of my student wages. He took it and ran. The police NEVER caught him nor do I think they cared.

I also had a boss in America who was mugged IN HIS APPARTMENT. He was held at gunpoint and robbed in is apartment, also downtown.

Now you tell me Mr-America-is-so-right-and-all-these-other-countries-are-so-heathen, why are Americans getting mugged everyday and shot everyday in their own country? I know math must be a little hard given your educational background, but look at the deaths in America PER CAPITA versus any other country, save one in civil war.

I really dont think teachers have to worry any more in other countries than many areas in America. of course I feel bad for any unjust death. But you need to keep the perspective. You sound like those Republicans that always scare people with over exaggerated threats to safety. For example, alerting people in some small village in America that a terrorist may attack them. Or telling people to be vigilant traveling to foreign countries when more people die from car accidents.

Keep things in perspective and go back to Alabama, please. I have a good question. Why did you leave America in the first place?????

#16 Parent Gary - 2004-12-31
Violence Against Teachers

I take it from your comment that you think violence against teachers is not a serious subject.

I am sure the Brit who was murdered in Atyrau, Kazakhstan thought it was humorous. I'm very sure the teacher in China that got stabbed in a Church meeting was laughing all the way to the grave. And I am absolutely sure that the English teacher in Sudan who got his head chopped off said to himself, "Gee.... this is fun." There is another Brit in Atyrau who has been beaten and robbed on the same corner three times. Some people are slow learners.

I have a friend that was in one of the compounds in Riyadh that was attacked and bombed. He was blown out of his bed up against the wall and then all the glass from the window showered him. UMM... what fun...

The majority of English teachers are easy targets. When attacked the percentages are that they will be on the next plane to return home and hide...seek refuge and play the victim card. If there is no victim then the crime goes unpunished.

Some teachers run and some don't.

#17 Parent esl in asia - 2004-12-30
must have been one of your ex students

Dont confuse someone who hates you as a mugger. The next thing you know youll be calling all your disgruntled students terrorists!!

That was just one of your ex students having a bit of fun, I should think. You shouldve gotten the message and gone back to that double-wide trailer in Alabama.

Gary Harwell - 2004-12-30
Questions on Violence Against English Teachers

My questions are these...

If you were the victim of a Mugging, Violent Assault or Rape... would you stay in the country you were teaching in or would you quit your job and return to your home turf?

It would seem that English teachers would be a Cottage Industry in most countries. As a group they are not noted as having any actual Intestinal Fortitude beyond paying lip service.

What has been your experience?

If you were mugged or attacked in your home country, where would you run?

MY experience has been that of getting mugged by three guys on my way home in Kazakhstan. I spent 8 days in a FREE hospital. The cops caught one of the muggers and I stayed and went through the court system and faced the attacker in open court. It took a year but he got three years in a dark damp prison that is well noted for emphysema, TB and a host of other diseases that produce copious amounts of Phlegm.

The job turned out to be the best job I have ever had.

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