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#1 Parent Robert Berman - 2008-09-08
ALERT!! www.new-teachers.org

I too have contacted this organization and I also asked for a telephone number and address and they replied wsaying they had several addresses and that they would contact me by phone. I have sent them the 100 euros and they claim to have set up an interview by phone for me next week. If you are right then I have jsut lost 100 Euros. Sincerely, Robert Berman.

#2 Parent Lauren - 2008-08-04
Re: www.new-teachers.org

Hi Maude,

I have come across this company as well and it struck me as very unprofessional. Which is why i have been doing some research.
Have you found out anything more about the website?
I have emailed them with questions and they never answered them directly. There is an address, but like you said no number.
I have been in contact with a person called Laura and asked her a number of times to call me, but she never did.
The call back service on the website also does not work.
so right now i am thinking SCAM!

Hope to hear from you,

#3 Parent callmefred - 2008-06-10
Re: www.new-teachers.org

Dear maude, I have never heard of this organisation but the methodology is very similar to many other scams that are regularly perpetrated upon persons seeking work in other countries.

NEVER, EVER send money to anonymous recruitment agencies such as this one. Even though they have a professional looking web-site, the lack of address or other contact details except by e-mail gives it away immediately. In addition, if any job placement company is based in or has branches in the E.U., it is illegal to charge up-front fees of any kind for its services.

This scam and many others like it usually emanate from Nigeria or Nigerians based abroad and are variations of the 419 scam.
If you Google 419 scam, you will find a wealth of material that can help you to avoid such fraudulent offers in the future. There are also many warnings on this and other forums detailing the experience of previous victims of this type of confidence trick.

maude - 2008-06-09

Hello All --

I am an American looking for TEFL work in Europe.

Recently, I came across an organization, www.new-teachers.org, that claimed it could place people in well-paid jobs in Europe
for a fee: 100 euros to register and then 200 euros once the job had been secured.

I don't mind using an placement agency, but this place strikes me as potentially fraudulent. It asks I pay by wired money only and
does not offer a telephone number I can call if I have issues -- it only offers e-mail support.

Has anyone out there dealt with or heard of this organization?

My TESOL college is warning me that this could be a scam, but I wanted to ask other, more seasoned job seekers if they knew of anything.


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