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#1 Parent William Box - 2005-01-02
john kerry's little brother

I had nearly decided that TAO was right and was ready to defer to the perceived soundness of his wisdom. Then, I searched through several threads and read more of your posts that pertain to pieces written by Gary Harwell.

Guess what? I can't desist. For whatever reason, you've got a vendetta against Harwell. This is why I can't put to rest my quarrel with you.

You're an arrogant, pontificating, self promoting, condescending, semi educated, no value or moral based individual with the unmitigated gall and temerity to attack those whom you deem unworthy.

Feeling omnipotent, are we?

Now, lets get to the fun part.

YOU may think that the 1500.00 USD for your CELTA certificate was well worth the effort. However, I think Southeast Asia is the poorer for it.

Ok, we've got a thirties something year old white, Canadian male, trained as an engineer (oh, let's not forget, CELTA certified), teaching English in Japan.

You've got Asia fever. Japanophile . Visions of Japanese school girls wearing short, black and white skirts dance in your head. Fetish anyone?

Ride the train to work? Shinkansan. Rush hour. Thousands of people packed in cars on their way to work. Perfect opportunity to change to your alter-ego, CHIKAN MAN.

You know the drill.

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