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#1 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-03

The only one babbling is you. First of all I dont hate all Americans. That was truly a big jump to conclusions from an obviously acute case of cerebrum infantitus.

I take people on an individual bases. I dont care where theyre from. I dont agree with a certain area of politics, thats it. Sorry I hurt your feelings, I didnt want to insinuate in any way that I hate anyone. I want peace in the world, if you can understand that.

I started this tirade because of certain individuals...well one in the beginning that had to keep making Republican statements on an ESL message board. He just had to keep doing it.

If you are just looking for a fight, go somewhere else because I would prefer to gives this a rest. Get it. Now go have a beer with fish n chips for fu$k's sake.

#2 Parent JEFF - 2005-01-03
Wow ESL in Asia

Wow ESL in Asia, how smart you are, too bad you don't do anything useful with it.

Maybe you could use all of your USA hate-mongering to a better use. Why don't you do something useful.

Or even better, you could start the French and Canadian coalition and bomb the United States because I know that is what you really want to do since you hate the Americans so much.

Then you wouldn't be such a babbling idiot, you would be an important figue in World history, and probably the first for a Canadian.

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