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#1 Parent William Box - 2005-01-05
I dont watch it.

> What do ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNN 2 and other LEFT wing
> media have in common?

> They are all right-wing stations. They in bed themselves with the
> troops. As for FOX, your right, I dont watch it.

Again, your ignorance is astounding.
Bozo, I was talking about their bias regarding the newscasts. Talking heads.

Granted, the ownership, more than likely, is conservative.

#2 Parent William Box - 2005-01-05


that's not an offer. You're begging for absolution.

Try again.

#3 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-04
Read my offer please

I will stay on this forum for ESL related stuff. You should too. But as for your immature rants, please direct them to my email.


#4 Parent William Box - 2005-01-04

"Give it a rest junior and go find another forum. We both have worn out our welcome on an ESL MESSAGE BOARD. "

I will, if you will. I mean "go find another forum".

#5 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-04
move on kid

Hi Rush Limbaugh Jr.,

I thought you were hastily on the way to the US Army recruiter? Please tell me you are sending this email from the intake station? No! Just what I thought...a candy ass. Why is it all you born-again neo-cons love to yak crap from the comfort of your armchair?

From my perspective, you really have no substance parroting off YOUR propaganda since youve served in nothing but the restroom.

What do ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNN 2 and other LEFT wing media have in common?

They are all right-wing stations. They in bed themselves with the troops. As for FOX, your right, I dont watch it.

Give it a rest junior and go find another forum. We both have worn out our welcome on an ESL MESSAGE BOARD.

#6 Parent William Box - 2005-01-03

So, FOX is right wing media. It really is nice to have one major network giving the conservative side.
Even if you don't like right wingers, you need to watch to see what they're up to, right? (No pun intended)

Care to answer a question? I'm sure a bright little boy of your average or near average intelligence can handle this (think carefully before answering).

What do ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, CNN 2 and other LEFT wing media have in common?

I've even left (wink, wink) a couple of clues for you.

Back to FOX, if you know what it is and you don't like it, DON'T WATCH THE DAMN THING.

#7 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-02
Better, actually

-Obviously not peppered with strident, Fox TV style propaganda.

#8 Parent William Box - 2005-01-02
How about your dialect?

How about your dialect?

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