Return to Index › Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful
#1 Parent Foxy - 2008-09-30
Re: EF Schools in Jinan: Be careful

Tales of woe like this occur time and time again in the PRC.
The nitty gritty is that sb incompetent working for a Chinese school has messed up.Now,who should bear the consequences of that? The luckless foreigner who was invited to teach without first having his(or her) pronunciation checked,or the incompetent Chinese employer?In my book it's the latter.
After a foreigner has arrived in good faith to teach well,that teacher should not be treated like muck because of pronunciation even though he(or she)has disappointed the company.
The reason that this kind of thing happens frequently in the PRC is that foreigners seldom unite or support each other abroad.Instead they crawl to their Chinese bosses so as to be well thought of in the mistaken belief that they can earn more money in the future.
But Chinese people in a foreign place unite rather than disunite.
Incidentally,this thread should be t'ferred to the Recruiters' Section as we needn't discuss whether or not EF is a good employer.What we should be discussing is how to stamp this kind of despicable action out.
I'm not so far from EF.Maybe my Chinese friends and I will pay that company a visit to inform the boss that sb working for him(or her)is incompetent,telling lies,and causing EF to be cast in a bad light.
Oftentimes in situations like this the boss cannot speak English,making it easy for subordinates to cheat him by lying.No siree,not cricket to pick on pronunciation after at first inviting a FT to teach without first having checked it!

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