Return to Index › Self preservation?
#1 Parent William Box - 2005-01-05
Self preservation?

"Since I know Im guilty of promulgating politics on an ESL message board, I feel it is my responsibility to provide a way to take it outside. So here is the email (yes, its real):

To those that hate me, please have the decency to comment no more on this board but send me any hate mail your heart desires to that address. Please be mature about it, as I want to pull this business off the board. "

Thank you "


A little professional integrity at stake here? Lost a little "face," perhaps. Want to save a little "face," perhaps? Bad career decision?

Decency? Does the name Gary Harwell ring a bell? Decency. Tell Gary about decency.

You are insufferable in a public forum, why the hell would anyone want to correspond with you on a personal level? Even if its nothing but bile.

I'll bet you want to pull it off the board.

You don't get off that easily, asshole! Try an apology to Gary Harwell.

I'll make a deal with you. Apologize to Gary Harwell and you'll never see my name again on this board.

Otherwise, I'll spew venom from here to hell for an eternity just to spite you.

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