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#1 Parent Turino - 2008-10-23
Re: Visas

Sunk,perhaps you are not one of the unsympathetic and unhelpful posters in this thread.Remember that I'm no expert in computing.I'd agree with you that there's been a list of nonsense posted in this thread.But don't blame me for not trying to help you.At this time you have more info than you had before.You can understand that I'm not prepared to e-mail you direct given the pretence on this board,and people posting under different names,etc.
I cannot give you any more advice,as I don't have any more to give!
Hope you can find a good and inexpensive way out of your present predicament.

#2 Parent Turino - 2008-10-23
Re: Visas

It's a pity your current passport hadn't been stolen in HK after you'd photocopied its 'identity' page.Then you could have got an emergency 1-year one issued at your homeland's visa office in HK,within 3 working days,and used it to get into the PRC for 30 days on an L,as it would have no * visa or 10-day exit visa against your name.B t w,you should have also photocopied your documents allowing you to reside in HK if they had been part of your stolen passport so that you could have gotten replacements to validate your stay there!Once back in China,you could have contacted the likes of Yuncheng IELTS to 'convert' your L to an F,but within 30 days.But your honesty or lack of it is your biz.That way is cast-iron if you can find the right kind of recruiter here in the PRC.Of course,you can replace your temporary passport by a 10-year 'bio' one in Beijing,ensuring that it is valid for a new F visa not less than 6 months before your temporary passport will expire.Got the GIST?

#3 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-23
Re: Visas

Scam, your a paranoid person no question, how is my seeking advice a scam. Of course you won't admit you are paranoid, which emailing me would be. I did place a box, when I emailed you a private message I put my email into the email body. It is far more likely you typed the wronf email. I will have to add paranoid to the list of nonsense I have seen here. Thank you Turnoi, I am in dire need, and you have been zero help. Good bye.

#4 Parent Turino - 2008-10-22
Re: Visas

Re: Visas
Date: 20 October 2008
In Response To: Re: Visas (Sunk)

"No one is trying to trick anyone, why is it people on sites like this are so negative and cynical"

At first you post without a box,not clever in your situation!
Later you provide one.I send you e-mails, but you said you never got them!
In the meantime I've had irrelevant e-mails from people who are NOT in your kind of predicament.
Now you post your e-mail address.
It's been a case of too little and too late!
As far as I'm concerned,this thread is a scam.I advise anyone out there not to post in it.

#5 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-22
Re: Visas

My email addy is sourcepower5@gmail.com if anyone has any advice. No one is trying to trick anyone, why is it people on sites like this are so negative and cynical, and rude.

I overstayed by 19 days, that's it. I have heard nothing about needing to be gone for 2 months in your homeleand, that is in correct. As for the rest, some people get new visas, some don't. I believe all the talk about restrictions returning to normal post Oct 17th is just a rumor.

#6 Parent Turino - 2008-10-21
Re: Visas

In fact,I tried to respond,but it seems that you didn't receive my response.
There is still a slim possibility that the visa restrictions could be eased,although the longer they are not from now on,the less likely it is that that will happen therafter.Maybe you are indeed sunk!
My advice is that if the visa agents in HK can't help,you should return to your homeland.

#7 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-21
Re: Visas

That's no good, you see the rules have not changed, and for the past several moonths most who have overstayed are made to return to their home countries, Americans especially. I have head orf a few isolated incidents where some Africans who overstayed were able to get new visas in HK, but in General most now have to return to their home country. As far as I know rules have not went back to pre olympics.

#8 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-21
Re: Visas

I did send you a PM but you have yet to respond

#9 Parent Turino - 2008-10-21
Re: Visas

You should change your name to 'Nevertobesunk'. That is because you know what to do so as never to be 'sunk'!

#10 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-20
Re: Visas

You are in Hk. You exited China already. So, You can re-enter china by an L visa. unless, you wanted a Z visa.. they wont give it to you. then, you come back to china... and find someone who can change your visa for you for a longer time.

#11 Parent Turino - 2008-10-21
Re: Visas

Dear Sunk,please send ma a PM,together with an e-mail address of yours,and I'll get back to you promptly.What I'm going to suggest you do need not be common knowledge to all and sundry.
B t w,my overstay period was > 100 days!And 5000 was no prob at all.But that was pre-Olympics.

#12 Parent Sunk - 2008-10-20
Re: Visas

I had some questions about getting a new visa if you get kicked out.

You said that if kicked out, meaning if you overstay, you don't have to go back to your home country. I had this happen, where I had one of those visas that required you to leave every 30 days and come back twice, which I did not. Overstayed by 19 days, wasn't fined, warned instead, but was given an exit visa that said I must leave in 10 days.

I got to Hong Kong, tried to get a new visa, no luck. This was 7 weeks ago, and I am still stuck here, still being told it is impossible, and I must return to America, any ideas?

I find it hard to believe that simply going to Mongolia will get me a new visa. You see, once they open up your passport and see that exit visa with the little "star" where the visa type would be, the star being an asteric, they say no way, you must go home.

My question is, is there any way around this that is less costly.

I had heard, as did many others, that after Oct 17 or the 20th, I've heard both, that viss rules would return to pre olympic status. However this has yet to happen, and even before the olympics the counsel at the visa office tells me that it would still have been a problem.

I am really stuck, HK is expensive, and after 7 weeks I'm running out of money, and patience. If anyone has any relaiable information, please let me know. I've searched and searched for work by the way, but HK is far to competitive for me. Please, any help that can be given is greatly appreciated.

#13 Parent Turino - 2008-10-16
Re: VIsas

But if you are 'kicked out' of the country,you needn't go back home.You could go to Mongolia,for example,and obtain a Chinese visa in Ulaanbator.But you couldn't get a Z unless you have an invitation letter from a legit school/college authorised by the provincial education office of that school/college.The trouble is that that takes time,maybe 4 weeks.And it depends on the province whether you need to take a medical first.For example,Hebei will issue the letter of invitation without you having to take a medical,but Shanxi won't.In Ulanbator at the Chinese visa office on production of the invitation letter,you can get a 'fast and therefore more expensive Z' the same day.Of course,you'll need to pass a medical after returning to China within 30 days if you weren't required to take one earlier,in order to get the residence permit.However,this all depends on what happens after or on October 20th.At present,Chinese visa offices in your homeland will only issue you with a Z.You could exit to Ulaanbator now on a Mongolian L,and wait there.If you're from the USA,you will have special privileges.There's a Mongolian visa office in Hohhot,fast L,apply am,get pm same day.Express Mongolian visa,by bus from Hohhot to Erlianhot,return,by sleeper train from Erlianhot to Ulaanbator,return,express Z and cheap hotel accommodation,and so-so food,3 days' hotel stay in UB, <2000Yuan.Z visa,yes.But that was before the Olympics!The fne for overstaying in China is 500 a day up to a maximum of 5000 Yuan,and 10 days to leave,that * visa, 160 Yuan extra.I suppose it all depends on your illness.As for Honkong,I don't know the details.If you need more info,please pm me.

#14 Parent riddlemethis - 2008-10-16
Re: VIsas

You'll be fined at the rate of 200 kwai a day for each day you are overdue past a grace period of ten days. In addition, they may give you a temporary visa valid for five days and tell you to leave the country. Being American increases your likelihood of being kicked out; however, you can start the process over once you get back home. This time, however, if I were you I would make sure you are being hired by a legally registered entity, be it a private school or a public one.

If you're still employed by a school that has not taken care of your visa problem, chances are you are illegally employed by said school. Be careful; more trouble could come your way if that's the case. They may be breaking the law by employing you - you may be breaking the law by working for them.

There are agencies that answer questions for you - people who are authorized by the various embassies to do so, but you will have to get online to find their phone numbers.

The PSB may try to fine you for each day you are overdue if they think you are unaware of the grace period. Humbly yet assertively make them aware that you know the law but that due to your injury you were unable to comply. It may be wise to have a legal representative a quick phone call away. Be sure to have your medical records and your doctor's phone number so that it can be verified that you were actually in the hospital.

Hope it works out for you.

Larrie - 2008-10-15

I facing kind of a problem here,I was recently hospitalized for a back injury for two weeks. During wich tome my visa ran out I have spent the last few days recovering at home but am still in considerable pain. The school I work tells me not to worry everything will be OK. I would like some advice . I am in Guangzhou. Tcall the American consultae every day for the past few days but I can never get through.

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