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#1 Parent William - 2008-11-06
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

If accents were important to a career, how far would Henry Kissinger have gone? Just the first to come to mind. If you know your stuff, you know your stuff. Most lose some, a few, all their accent after a few years in a new environment. Personally, I wouldn't worry about it.

Your comparison of English spoken by Russian students to that spoken by Japanese, Korean and Chinese is leading to where?

Based upon what you have written here; I'd say Sarah is a very confused girl.

#2 Parent Turino - 2008-11-06
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

Cobra, your written English implies your oral English is far from perfect too!
In fact I didn't ask why ALL non-native speakers of English should not be paid at least 6000 Yuan for teaching English in North China, I only asked why YOU,Cobra,should be paid so.
But of course you cannot expect to jump on the bandwagon of those academics whose second language is English, and who can write and speak English like well-educated native speakers of English.
By the way, don't think that ALL Chinese cannot speak perfect English.Not all of them think first in Chinese and then translate into English - that's a sure recipe for disaster,ie writing and speaking Chinglish!
As for accents, that's another story,one that cannot be generalised either!
Anyway, the best of luck to you. I hope you can find a teaching position paying at least 6000 Yuan in North-East China,which you clearly prefer to other parts of the country.

#3 Parent cobra - 2008-11-06
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

Turino posted:So,why should Chinese employers pay Cobra 6000 Yuan/month or more in North China when they can employ most Chinese teachers of English to teach Chinglish for at most 3000 a month there?
I'll tell you why: because very few chinese english teachers can speak perfect English. It also refers to Koreans and Japanese. I don't mean that all of them are bad in English,No! It's just my experience I have many friends majored in English from China, Japan, Korea. They have a big accent, and they are confused in using grammar, so how can they teach perfect English to their students??? May be it's because of the different linguistic groups the languages belong to.Most schools require oral English teachers.
see this article written in Chinese

来源:英国外教Sarah | 发布日期:2008-06-22 22:33
Sarah是一名来自英国的女外教,有着多年而丰富的第二外语英语教学经验,具有英国颁发的Tesl证书,过去曾与上海 外教网长期合作。她在中国任教2年,曾先后在山东、南京和上海担任英语外教,2006年前往莫斯科教英语,2008到日本Fujisawa担任某大学英语外教。Sarah根据她这几年来展转三地的外教经历,向我们展示了中国、俄罗斯、日本三国的英语教学差异,并比较了欧洲ESL教学和亚洲ESL教学的区别,同时向我们的中国ESL教学提出了宝贵的建议。



当我们谈起中日ESL教学差异时,Sarah夸张地说:the Japanese are worse than the Chinese!!Sarah坦言她有时觉得自己在日本的教学很失败,日本的学生太害羞了,根本很少开口说英语,这与日本的英语教学体制有关。日本的学生太懒了,就想等着外教给他们喂食,他们自己很少去思考一些问题。

这个教材名字叫作《Person to Person》,内容上属于Sarah童年时期学习的英文,而这样的教材被用在日本的大学教学中,Sarah大叫:The level is too low.Sarah说,对这样的大学生使用那样的英语教材,他们不会有任何的提高,只能浪费时间。

①中国的教材还是可以的,但是中国需要更多更好的英语母语外教(Native English Speakers);

P.S. Nevertheless most chinese schools prefer native speakers (very often without any degree, teaching experience,willingness to teach ( most of them just travel from one city to another earning money, or just businessmen, or even workers for Pizza land) to qualified non-native spaekers who are doing their best to teach perfect, sometimes with two degrees, certified, holding TESOL, DELTA certificates etc.
It's real life!!! Regardless, you say, why to pay so high salary to non native speakers, there are so many of us here in China earning good money, and I'll do my best to join this team)))))))))))

#4 Parent Turino - 2008-11-05
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

Cobra posted: I am totaly agree with you. I also prefer Northeast of China to the south. Are you a non-native speaker?
Turino's reply: Obviously Cobra is a non-native speaker,just like his Chinese colleagues.
By contrast, William is the opposite ,as can be inferred by NATIVE SPEAKERS from his literate posts!
So,why should Chinese employers pay Cobra 6000 Yuan/month or more in North China when they can employ most Chinese teachers of English to teach Chinglish for at most 3000 a month there?
And that's before we start comparing accents!
Maybe someone is trying to take the mickey, or else is just plain unworldy-wise!

#5 Parent cobra - 2008-11-05
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

Hi William! thank you for your comment! I am totaly agree with you. I also prefer Northeast of China to the south. Are you a non-native speaker? what schools did you work for?

#6 Parent Turino - 2008-11-03
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

William said:What you fail to understand is that some individuals like, want, enjoy "backwater area"(s).
I'm one of those individuals.One can experience the real China by teaching in county seats or in smaller towns.The world would be a terribly boring place if all of us liked doing the same things,wouldn't it?
And let's not forget there are Americans who love hick town life while there are Ausralians who wouldn't live anywhere else but in the outback, not to mention the happy residents of one-horse towns in all countries of the world.

#7 Parent William - 2008-11-02
Re: Can non native speakers get an excellent english teaching position in China with high salary

What you fail to understand is that some individuals like, want, enjoy "backwater area"(s). The choice is theirs, not yours. Besides, some of the most rewarding experiences in life are provided by these "backwater" areas.

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