Return to Index › North Amercia: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"
#1 Parent chris - 2008-11-26
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

I'm a Canadian who has been teaching overseas for many years. To those of us Canadians with intelligence and a true understanding of what our country is, Canadians such as the ones you've mentioned are a true embarrassment. In the past, many of us have been annoyed by the excessive nationalist posturing of some (not all) Americans. As a result, a lot of idiots have turned it around and in the act of opposing such an attitude, have become worse than the very people they denounce. They have taken too many pucks in the head to realize they have become just what they think they hate...only worse.

#2 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-16
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

both a witty AND poetic rejoinder, well done.

#3 Parent pip - 2008-11-15
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Based on your attitude wank, I'd say I'm glad that you're not a Yank.

#4 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-15
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

right, i was going for a general analogy with the bullet remark

GENERALLY, both a bullet to the liver and one to the head will kill you, but a bullet through the brain will kill you less painfully than one that ruptures your liver. I'm sorry if I'm not pretencious enough to include minute details on my analogy. wank..

as for healthcare, ask a single mother making minimum wage why free healthcare is better.

the states has better equipment, and more access to it (especially if you live in an underfunded crap hole like Saskatchewan, as i did). but any citizen can walk the streets of even Sask. knowing that if the worst happens (like recieving a grazing shot with a small calibre round, wank... not that gunshot wounds are a common thing in Canada, unlike our neighbours to the south) they can get fast and effective treatment, free of charge. that's what makes it better. that's all it takes.

i don't consider an argument with a pompous and nonsensical mutton head like yourself interesting, but HEY just for fun eh!

#5 Parent Reader - 2008-11-14
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Just for fun, in what way is a bullet to the head better than a bullet to the head? Depending on the part of the head and the part of the liver injured, the calibre of the bullet and the energy delivered, and the quality of care after the injury, either injury is survivable and either is deadly.

If you could specify how Canadian health care is better than American health care, we could actually have an interesting discussion in English. Maybe, though, you are not able to defend your argument? The development of legitimate persuasion is a sign of intelligence.

#6 Parent Turino - 2008-11-12
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Alex has posted: I once met a pretty well educated American lady on a Pullman Coach.
Quote via Wikipedia: In the United States, Pullman was used to refer to railroad sleeping cars which were built and operated on most U.S. railroads by the Pullman Company (founded by George Pullman) from 1867 to December 31, 1968.
It also refers to railway dining cars in Europe that were operated by the Pullman Company, or lounge cars operated by the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits. Specifically, in Great Britain, Pullman refers to the lounge cars operated by the "British Pullman Car Company."

By the way, where did you meet the pretty well educated American lady, if you don't mind me asking? In the UK,or in Europe,or in the States?
Pity for you she hadn't been a pretty,well educated lady!That would've been more to your liking, methinks!
By the way, nice to see you're back on the board, and thus being careful to adhere to its revised standards of etiquette re acceptable posts.
PS for board viewers:Alex hasn't said, but he has incorporated a 'filter' into his e-mail address's selection procedure to prevent 'unwanted' e-mails from reaching him! I know this from experience!
Alex, too bad for you your 'weeding-out process' has rejected one of my exclusive, limited edition Yuncheng gems!
Watch your reply,you needn't get another rejection!

#7 Parent Alex - 2008-11-12
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Hi, fellow FT's: not "Canadian Racism toward Americans", Canadians are usually not as arrogant as most of those foreigners who treat people from less developed countries. I think that the Chinese people, male or female, respect all the FT's the same, but since the French are usually politer than most of the others, ....

I once met a pretty well educated American lady on a Pullman Coach. She asked about my impression towards Americans. I told her that most of the people in the States I met were 99% friendly, but most of those I worked with in China were too arrogant that I didn't like to be associated with.

#8 Parent Li Bai - 2008-11-11
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Well as for French, the only thing I'say is that it was a required subject in our high schools and some university programs. I'll meet you in the doghouse on this one - the only use I've ever found for the language is that it's good for picking up Asian chicks. Makes you sound more romantic.

And I fully agree with you. Human inhumanity toward its own kind has been taking place since we first crawled out of the ocean or fell out of the trees - depending on your point of view. True, you probably will get nailed to the cross for mentioning the African issue - but not by me. It is an historical fact and history cannot be changed.

Thanks for the vote of confidence on my solution and I trust you will support your fellow teachers when the issue raises its ugly head in China. As you say, we have enough problems without having to put up with that. Not that my remedy was the correct one, but knowing that Chinese authorities usually look the other way when foreigners are causing each other harm, it seemed the right thing to do at the time.

As you can see, some other posters are reading our messages and tend to disagree with our line conversation, but they'll get over it. We could really make them mad by discussing an issue of prime importance to Canadians - who makes the best beer? Why not? It's culture and we are supposed to be teaching languages, cultures and customs, right?

Anyway, I've got some clothes to iron so I'm outta here for a while. Gambei (with a Canadian Club and not a Jack Daniels)

#9 Parent reader - 2008-11-10
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

One of the reasons its free, or at least cheap (elective and semi-elective surgeries are fee-for-service in Canada) is that Canada and much of the world gets much of its technology and research findings from American universities and research institutes. America spends the money, and the rest of the world benefits from it, even expects education in it.
Another reason is that service is limited, often severely. Fewer facilities, only in big cities, have modern up to date technology found in almost all facilities in America. Maybe that is one of the reasons why so many Canadian doctors and health care workers are educated in America?

#10 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-10
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

i thought this was a forum for ENGLISH teachers... everyone seems to be putting words in my mouth, i dont know if its lack of reading ability, or just lack of intelligence..

our healthcare is BETTER than the yanks ... that does not inherently imply GOOD or BEST. only BETTER.

IE/ a bullet to the head is BETTER than a bullet to the liver

neither could be called GOOD, or BEST, but the usage of BETTER applies.

#11 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-10
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

of course i agree with you on racial intolerance (except towards the french..... sorry im jk but i couldnt resist)

again im having words put in my mouth, read a little deeper
i didnt imply the PEOPLE were OURS, but the POLICY of slavery was, and we got rid of that peacefully. by the time the slaves were officially emancipated by the crown, Canada didn't have any(well, im sure there were a few, but none on record) the whole slavery movement (started by the king of france) just didnt hold in Canada. the reasons for this werent altruistic however. it just didnt make financial sense in canada.

but JUST to play the devils advocate, and i know im going to get flamed for this, the people of Africa WERE owned, legally by the laws of both their masters and the african kings that sold them out! before i get nailed with a million posts calling me a racist.. please understand that i dont say that because i support it. its just a historical fact, slavery was a part of the entire worlds history for thousands and thousands of years. and it wasnt just the africans that got put into bondage, they were simply the largest group.

now all that being said, if a fellow canadian was racist towards you, i applaud you for cracking him in the mouth, had i been there id have done the same on your behalf. theres enough racism here in china without our multicultural (ya right) asses having to get involved.

#12 Parent Turino - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Two of Pip's over-simpifications,quote: "People everywhere are decent people. (Governments rule.) Citizens obey."
So we should abolish imprisonment,the death penalty and fines! lol.

#13 Parent Pip - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

FREE is not the same as GOOD or BEST.

#14 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

well.... it's free..

#15 Parent Pip - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

I agree. People everywhere are decent people just trying to get by. Your thoughts are reflected throughout the world. Why does anyone, anywhere, not like another person, country? Governments rule. Citizens obey. Whether or not they agree with the administration of their elected (appointed) officials. Others judge you by the government's policy of your country and not by what you, as a person, an individual, think and believe. People are people. We are the same. Clothe, feed, provide shelter, care for and advance the station in life of your family, and help others when affordable. Governments cannot survive without propaganda and divisiveness. They use us for the their survival. It is the tail chasing the tail. Around an around we go. Without rules and regulations; where are we - as a people, as a nation, as a world? Decisions, decisions. Which is the better? Life with or without governments?

#16 Parent Pip - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

So, you just shot down your own baloon.

#17 Parent Turino - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Unfortunately Americans have been judged abroad according to the hapless foreign policy of their government.
Even worse, this situation has recently been compounded by the global financial crisis that has emanated from the sub prime housing market loans repayment failures in the U S.
In my view, it'll take some years of non-aggressive foreign policy coupled with good governance by the incoming Democrats to redress the damage done by George W at home and abroad.
How the American people were dumb enough collectively to have voted in George W for 2 terms of office is beyond most people's comprehension.
Hopefully Obama will prove to be what an American president should be like, ie an honest and astute leader.
But of course, just like every other country, the U S has both good and bad citizens!

#18 Parent Li Bai - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Told ya this was going to get ugly. Can you please show me anywhere in recorded history that the aboriginal peoples of Canada (or anywhere else for that matter) and the Black people of Africa et al were YOURS? Some of my dead ancestors would tend to disagree with you. A word to the wise: NEVER use that argument if trying to defend your position. It's insulting, degrading and extremely dangerous, especially if there is a person of color within earshot. And speaking of earshot, you could be on the receiving end of a GUNshot.

The upshot is some people ARE Racist, no matter where they may come from. That's the real issue here. When a target group decides they don't want to put up with that crap anymore, out come the silly excuses like the one you put forward. And please don't think all Black people are American. I too, was born in the Land of the Maple Leaf, cheered on the rare occasions that Toronto won the Stanley Cup and held season's tickets to Blue Jays games.

Nothing can justify racial intolerance - I trust you agree with me on that one. Speaking from personal experience - when you walk away and it keeps following, sometimes - just SOMETIMES you have to turn and fight. In the case of the original situation that started this conversation, I too, a Black Canadian teacher in China have received the same treatment from a White Canadian teacher in China. He thought it was funny. The Chinese had no clue as to what was going on and I started looking for his protecting angel. Had to be one somewhere. Since I didn't see him, her or it, a straight left hook to the mouth resolved the issue to my satisfaction. Sometimes ya gotta do what ya just gotta do!

#19 Parent Reader - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

What is it about health care in Canada that is better than in America?

#20 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Americans have the same problem man, ask most americans how they feel about China, and see how much seperation there is between the people and the state

ppl want to go there because america has a GREAT history, and a good reputation for standard of living (though thats crashing now with your current state of affairs) and most importantly America is the world MASTER of self marketing

#21 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

We didn't murder our aboriginal population in Canada man. We basically enslaved them, and forced them to abandon their culture or face persecution (which is awful, plz dont think im not trying to say it isnt) but we didnt round them up into "sancuataries" and kill them wholesale like our neighbours to the south. The proof of that can be seen by the proportion of First Nations to ... NOT First Nations in Canada, and the same proportion to Native Americans to .. YANKS :P

and as for slavery, at least our people gave it up without a massive bloody war

speaking of war, Canada is the only country to invade and defeat the US .. we burned the white house DOWN baby WOOOO

ok.. thats enough flag waving for me, i will try my best to stop listing our better points from here out (*cough*healthcare)

#22 Parent Jonthan - 2008-11-09
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

"With all that, you give people the impression how hateful Canadians are"

I'm sorry if I gave YOU that impression. Hate is a strong word, and you were the one who used it first. I don't hate anyone or anything (except possibly the Filet-o-Fish at McDonalds... awful). I do hold a serious distaste for some people though, but never without meeting them. I do hold a disdain (LOATHING even) of American policy, but I do see how that's the government and not the people.

When someone says "that stupid f-ing american" they are USUALLY commenting on the PERSON, and using the American tag as a simple descriptive.

"To me there's more to life than this."

Then don't post about it.

#23 Parent I am an English Teacher - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"


With all that, you give people the impression how hateful Canadians are. I am not even shocked about the racism cases you have there in your homeland. Nah uh.

I am not taking away the fact that not everyone likes the US as much as not everyone likes Australia/Germany/Spain/Japan/Canada/etc. To be honest these Canadians I am working with are just soooooooooooooo shallow. To me there's more to life than this.

411: I am not American.

#24 Parent Skitch - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

If America and Americans are so evil, why do so many people from around the world want to live there? What pisses me off about Canadians and Euros is their inability to distinguish between the actions of the government and the average American. Most Americans are decent people just trying to get by.

#25 Parent Li Bai - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

Well you hit the right chord there my friend. After some soul-searching and realizing this may be adding fuel to a fire, I, as a Black person, am sharing the same boat. After a certain ethnic group assimilated? (more like murdered) the original Canadians, they found they couldn't run the country. Where did they go? Africa!! And got my people! You think you have trouble tracing your roots! At least you're still on your native soil.

Then, to add insult to injury, they tell us to go back to Africa where we came from. It was not our idea to come to the fridgid north in the first place. But be that as it may. I'll make one more comment and get out of this conversation because I can see all sorts of wierd and wonderful things coming. Last comment: The hatred will only spread if the receiver of the message is under-educated. It is our jobs, as teachers, to show both sides of the coin and let them make a choice. It's their country and we must respect their decision. O.K. one more comment: If the transgressors are from the same side of the pond as we are, then a good slap may be in order. My great grand father was known to have said that "As long as you don't kill 'em, it dosen't matter what you do to 'em".

have a good one

#26 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

haha we don't need to spread the "hate" of your country in china, its already here... and everywhere else in the world really

but really, i got the "not generalizing" P.S., thats for reiterating

try not to take it so personally man... people are people, most people are smart enough to realize that.. but the states has been pushing its agenda around the world for far too long, at the cost of lives and livelihoods, and you can't expect the rest of the world not to see, and resent it.

sorry if i sound proud of my country (it's ironic that an american is calling me out for being a flag waver) but the facts are there... we're in the top 3 of the UN's "best places in the world to live list" and have been for a long long time... i think america is ... number twelve?

so if your Canadian colleagues are half smart they DONT think our country is better then EVERYONE, as its not, but they should know and be proud to say that were one of the best.

#27 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

sorry i was wrong, Canada is 4th (damn aussies)


#28 Parent I am an English Teacher - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

I think you missed the part when I've said: PS I am not generalizing the Canadians from my experience with these people.

But yeah, dude, good on you... Sounding all proud like that. I was just hoping that these people I was talking about won't spread the hate here in China because this is NOT Canada or the US and keep the "F" word to themselves. BTW, why don't they just stop acting like they are way better than everybody else. I don't want to take that as an ego thing. This is NOT the "World War Days". Why don't we, as teachers stop the hate that have started from long time ago.

I come in peace!

#29 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-08
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

most First Nations people don't even know what Nation they belong to anymore Li Bai. that's not a slight, I'm white but was raised by a Cree speaking step-father, and the vast majority of First Nations people don't know where they come from, only that theyre "Indians". At least that's how it is in Sunny Saskatchewan, where the majority of the population is First Nation.

That's the white mans fault though, isn't it. Resistance is futile. :S

BUT to use this is another opportunity to stick a finger in the eye of America... we assimilated our indigineous peoples, the yanks corralled and ethnically cleansed theirs... at least we're the lesser of two evils

#30 Parent Li Bai - 2008-11-07
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

First of all thanks for not generalizing and, if I may, I'd like to offer an opinion. I daresay these people show their ignorance, NOT because you are an American, it's more likely because you are not Caucasian. The American ploy is just a cover-up. I'd be curious as to how they feel about the First Nations people of Canada - the ones who were there long before the White man even knew the country existed. (and from the recent news reports, the nation that Sarah Palin still doesn't know exists). Or maybe they're just mad because the taxes they pay on that one slice of bread could buy a whole loaf anywhere else in the world. Ask them which one of the First Nations peoples they belong to. The answer will probably be from somewhere in Europe - and that, my friend, is NOT Canada.

#31 Parent Jonathan - 2008-11-07
Re: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

hey man I'm Canadian, and not too fond on Yanks meself :D

its not that we think we're better (though according to the UN we are, and have been since the 60's ahem ahem) but that americans are so damned annoying.

again, this is a generalization, and its not true for many americans (i myself am half yank, on me mums side) but a lot of americans come abroad (or even simply to canada to enjoy our lower drinking age and cheap prescription drugs) and expect to be catered to in every way, they act like superstars and expect everyone else to know their customs and follow them to the letter... it gets tiresome.

i could rant for an hour on why americans are generally loathed around the world, for political, cultural, and just plain common sense reasons, but i have to get to class

plz remember though, that often a canadians vocal disrespect for our yankee counterparts is merely a way of showing to the people around us that we are in fact NOT american, because its a common mistake among asians and europeans that we are essentially the same country... dont take it personally :D

I am an English Teacher - 2008-11-06
North Amercia: "Canadian Racism toward Americans"

I've meet a couple of Canadians who hate Americans with all their might... Well, they're my co-workers (I happen to be non-white. I am an asian- hispanic by ethnicity). I'm getting the impression that they think that Canadians are the best thing since sliced bread and look down on people who don't have the same citizenship as theirs. It just gets my goat, thats why I am venting out.

PS I am not generalizing the Canadians from my experience with these people.

[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:14 AM]

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