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#1 Parent Mpho - 2005-01-14
i-to-i language course

I took the 40 hour course just as a backup since I have been teaching quite a while.
They focus on grammar (very difficult since they use British expressions and examples).
They do a good job of forwarding a certificate, copy of your answers and their comments and provide lesson plans (mostly grammar oriented again).
Overall I would give them a 7.
It took me about 2 months to do the course.


#2 Parent daejeonteach - 2005-01-07

I did an i-to-i wekend course and found that to teach in koea i still needed the CELTA.The course was good fun and met interestin people but unless you take part in an i-to-i program it's noy really worth it. Completed the Celta in Oct and found it really worthwhile.
Hope this helps!

#3 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-04
maybe it works

The course is very cheap and I think it would work fine in Asia. It would not work in many European schools.

One component that course doesn't have that the CELTA has is real classroom training and evaluation. If you are teaching in Asia then that course is ok. I knew of someone that took it and liked it.

#4 Parent UMMIMRAN - 2005-01-04
anyone educated from i-to-i?????

HI I took a look online and I think I am going to do the 60 hour with i -to-i with the young learners endorsement. They seem really well organized, professional and the cost is less than the others. Has only one else used i-to-i? How long did it take to complete? Also, was it accepted in the Middle East? Thanks Umm Imran

#5 Parent Henry - 2005-01-04

Take a look at ICAL and i-to-i as well; they're the biggest and (arguably) the best.

UMMIMRAN - 2005-01-04
Bridge Linguatec online certi.? Link

Hi I was wondering if anyone could tell me if this is a good online program to get certified through? www.teflonline.com I am wanting to get a emphasis on the early learners. Please let me know as I need to register for a online course this week. Thanking you in advance. UMM IMRAN

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