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#1 Parent Turino - 2008-11-20
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

I had posted: IF your new passport is a temporary one, etcetera. That was because I didn't know whether or not it was.
And some foreigners in the situation you were in would have preferred to exit Hongkong A S A P for China, in the knowledge that the extra money they would have to spend on two new passports, a fast temporary one followed by a slow 10-year one would have been more than compensated for by the lower cost of living on the mainland. Besides, deadlines for accepting job offers and/or optimum times for seeking jobs might well have also entered into the equation in their case.
In any case, you were not careful enough before, just like me. But as they say, once bitten, twice shy.
Having said that, other thread readers viewing what I posted might well think, unlike you, that it is NOT superfluous information.
Maybe they will become as cautious as you or me after having read this thread. So I reckon my penultimate post in this thread needn't necessarily have been a waste of time. I hope not, anyway.

#2 Parent sunk - 2008-11-20
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

I said thanks, but don't get ahead of yourself in the "unsolicted" advice area, my passport is good for ten years, I'd have to have been a fool to apply for just a one year when both options were open to me. Thanks for your concern, but I have it all covered ;)

#3 Parent Turino - 2008-11-19
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

I'm glad that you have succeeded in getting a new Chinese visa without having had to return to your homeland.Thanks for your thanks!
If your new passport is a temporary one (valid for 1 year from its date of issue), please be advised that you'll only be able to get a SECOND Chinese visa pasted inside if there are more than 180 days left before the expiry date of that passport. So, don't forget to replace it with another one inside China timeously.You should allow 7 weeks from the date of application if replacing it with a full passport and using EMS to post it to your address in China.
Also be aware that there must be at least 2 blank pages left specifically for visas within your passport if you are ever outside China wishing to re-enter.

#4 Parent Not Sunk after all - 2008-11-19
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

Turino is God King, Turino is the man. Should anyone receive advice from him, accept it as Gospel and praise him for all eternity. Turino your advice was spot on, and you have my deepest gratitude. You are the man ;)

#5 Parent Sunk - 2008-11-18
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

I applied for my new visa yesterday, and will find out today if I was issued a new one or not. I don't have high hopes to be honest, simply because I have been let down before, and I don't see how they could miss the fact that I was issued an exit visa 3 months ago. It has been 10 weeks since I aplied for my visa here in HK, and was rejected. I just hope the new passport works. I also chose to use an agent, which was pretty expensive, but that's life. I'll let you know if your suggestion worked Turino, and if it did not, either way you will certainly here from me. Take care.

#6 Parent Sunk - 2008-11-14
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

Does anyone have any idea if visa regulations have become less tight now that the Olympics are long gone? I am hoping that is the case.

To Turino, I took your advice, and am waiting. Hopefully it will work out, and if not, well, that's life after all.

I am skeptical of it working, since hey, everything here is computerized. I still dont see how they would not have it on record that a 10 day exit visa was issued. I can only hope that things have loosened up, and that you can again get a new visa in HK without having to return to your home country if issued an exit visa.

#7 Parent Sunk - 2008-11-11
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

Thanks Curious for your support, I certainly did not understand all the hostility I got.

Turino, I don't know if your addressing me or Curious, though I'll guess that since your talking about my visa situation, or so it seems, it must be me.

I was indeed told I had to return and apply in my home country, when I went to apply for a new L visa. This was the case for everyone during the Olympics. This was 9 weeks ago, at which time everyone who overstayed was required, or told to anyway, to return to their home country. Please not I only had the exit visa with an * on it saying leave within 10 days.

Have things gotten less strict and returned to looser times than pre olympics? I don't know, I doubt it though, and I will be getting a new passport anyhow.

My only concern is being able to get one, as I don't have the documents with me to get a new passport if mine were say stolen, I'm speaking hypothetically of course. Therefore I will have to renew my old one, which I've been told you can do, but I'm skeptical since it has 7 years left on it. Don't really know if I can just take it in and egt it renewed, though I was told that yes I could by citizenship services. Anyhow, we will see.

Your advice, if bogus, will indeed cost me a lot of money, that being the case, as Curious aptly noted, you should be held to higher standard, and explain things much better if you want some kind of credit, or a pat on the head. If it works yuo have a lot of thanks from me, no question.

Anyhow, the Visa situation here has caused me no end of problems, I hope things will soon return to semi normal.

#8 Parent Turino - 2008-11-10
Re: In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

The message on a * visa, or a short L visa without a * is: requested to leave China by that visa's expiry date,which will usually be 10 days after the issue date of that visa, or 10 days from the date of an unsuccessful application that was accepted,but not approved for another type of visa.
There's nothing that says you can't re-enter after having had to leave the country.
After leaving the country,imo you've the right to re-enter on at least a 30-day L,as you've already been punished by having had to leave.And note that you were not required to return to your homeland, only to exit China.
I've re-entered after a * visa and a short L, neither new Chinese visa issued by a Chinese visa office in my homeland.
I don't see why you couldn't still do so.But the visa agents will know the situation, they may also know about re-entry with a new passport,which I did recently,because my previous passport had only one blank page left,and after having to accept a 10-day short L backdated to the unsuccessful date of application for an F, which meant I had just 8 days to get out.
But I may have been treated a little better as I have a Chinese wife.However I doubt it. The Beijing Olympics made life difficult for many visa applicants!

Curious about Visas - 2008-11-10
In regards to Visa advice given by Turino and others

I've read what Sunk, Turino, and others have to say about visas, and I just have to say, Turino needs to explain himself a bit better in regards to his visa ideas.

Turino, the whole idea of being able to get a new visa after one has overstayed in China, simply by getting a new passport, seems absurd to me. Don't get me wrong, I know China is under developed in most places, but so much so that they can't type your name in and see you have been issued an exit visa?

I saw Turino also complain that no one had thanked him for his advice. I would say that's pretty sad, considering the advice you offered is unsubstantiated and therefore dubious at best. Do you know anyone who has ever done this? It sounds more like an urban legend than anything else. Your advice could cost Sunk a lot of time and money if he or she actually followed through and took it. Just think, the cost of a new passport, time spent waiting to get it, you could be costing this poor person, or sucker, thousands of HK dollars.

You say that your suggestion is ironclad, but you don't tell us how you know this, or from where. Ungrateful is an assertion you made in regards to some of the people here who get advice but dont say thank you. I saw grateful for what? Vague assertions with no evidence to back them up that are extremely expensive and not even proven in any way are sure not anything to be grateful for.

In the future, if you want praise, I'd suggest Turino, and others, that you give better advice, that is clearly trustworthy. and backed up by more than just your word. There is just too much conflicting advice given here to take your word for it.

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