Return to Index › Re: Beware Chicago language school, Shenyang
#1 Parent englishgibson - 2009-11-22
Re: Beware Chicago language school, Shenyang

I only have one question for John, and I hope I won't make an enemy on this board that i've just begun posting to. HAVE YOU SEEN THE SCHOOL'S TEACHERS CONTRACT???

Sure that some of us are quite poor in the language we teach and our grammar "shines" when we're frustrated either about the Chinese recruiting techniques or their often ridiculous employment contracts. However, and with all due respect, this is about the tragic Chicago language school in Shenyan, isn't it?

My view is that it'd be a complete disaster for many of us if we didn't have each other on boards.

Cheers and beers to John and all of our points of views on any topics, but down with these kinda schools/centers around!

#2 Parent Foxy - 2008-11-21
Re: Beware Chicago language school, Shenyang

John, I'm confused - I've never taught in Shenyang, and I don't think my grammar is too bad in my post.
Never mind. Probably you're referring to sb else's illiterate post that was subsequently deleted by the board, or by the poster himself.
Sadly some of the posts are illiterate, as are about 25% of the resumes too! I'm surprised posters like that can often get away with teaching English in China!

#3 Parent john smith - 2008-11-21
Re: Beware Chicago language school, Shenyang

I completely understand teachers' gripes about schools in Shenyang, there are lots of cowboys out there. However it grieves me to see a teacher complaining about conditions or treatment when their own grasp of the English language is if I'm honest, rather poor. If posting a rant on a forum (Mr 'complain about Chicago' you know who you are) GET YOUR GRAMMAR RIGHT! It does cast you in a slightly negative light if, as a teacher of English, you can't even write a letter of complaint using YOUR OWN NATIVE LANGUAGE. Not surprised they ditched you.

#4 Parent Foxy - 2008-09-30
Re: Beware Chicago language school, Shenyang

Another one that deserves to be transferred to the recruiters'section,which has many negative posts,most of them being for China.Discussion is unnecesary in this instance,another rubbishy operation.
Might I make a suggestion to the organisers of the ESL teachers' board? How about two boards,one for employment agencies and the other for educational establishments,both discussion forums?
In the light of what is happening in the PRC,possibly the world's biggest ESL employer,it makes sense to split the two categories in the way above.
What's more,we should have lower expectations of agencies than of direct employers.That's because agencies are in it for the money as opposed to direct employers,whose first priority ought to be quality and value for money.

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