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#1 Parent englishgibson - 2010-04-21
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Poor recruiting techniques of the schools' departments, money saved on possibly more expensive academics, poor teachers are less trouble for unis as the pros are more demanding and so on and on...
Cheers and beers to all fts

#2 Parent Phil - 2010-04-19
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Yes, Andy is rather pathetic really, isn't he! Makes you wonder why these universities hire the bottom of the barrel, doesn't it.

#3 Parent Turino - 2008-12-05
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Andy has no way out. So he dare not reply.
In fact, he needn't scold me for my lack of poetic English, in his eyes only, if he cannot obey the basic rules of word usage in his posts. lol!

#4 Parent Turino - 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Andy said:An imposture has usurped my name. I don't blame them.
usurp:to take someone else's power, position, job etc when you do not have the right to.
It seems to me that the subject of the first sentence, an imposture, should be someone, rather than something. What's more, the second sentence's object also implies that the first sentence's subject is someone rather than something, despite 'them' having been used instead of 'him'.
Maybe you are indeed no imposter. So I'll retract what I had posted earlier about that.
But the mystery of who the imposter is remains unsolved!

#5 Parent Andy - 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

imposture n.
The act or instance of engaging in deception under an assumed name or identity.
impostor (imposter) n.
One that assumes a false identity for the purpose of deception.

I used the word "imposture" quite cleverly I think to shed light on the fact that since you fail to use your true identity that you only exist through your actions. Naming your deceptive actions an "impostor" would suggest that I recognize you are a human and would be anthropomorphic. Seeing that you have no sense of poetics or metaphoric use of speech I will try to keep any future posts as simple as possible. However, if you want to learn more about poetics I suggest you begin by reading Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

#6 Parent Turino - 2008-12-04
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Andy said: "This is the original Andy. The November 19th post Andy. An imposture has....."
By posting 'imposture', you have made every reader of this thread aware of your English level. As it's much inferior to that of 'the original Andy', you cannot be him.That means you must be an imposter! lol

#7 Parent Andy - 2008-12-02
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

This is the original Andy. The November 19th post Andy. An imposture has usurped my name. I don't blame them. I'm a pretty cool dude. I still stick by my original post. Jiaying is a fine place. Just watch out for the illusive Joanne and her hens.

#8 Parent Andy - 2008-12-01
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Actually, I take back what I said earlier. My recruiter made me say it. What the other poster said is absolutely true, and even worse, in some cases.

#9 Parent Dr James - 2008-11-30
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

Alias or no alias, in my book, where there's smoke there's fire, and I smell something burning.

#10 Parent Andy - 2008-11-20
Re: Jiaying University Incompetence

This thread is not true in my experience. I have been at Jiaying for almost two years and have received the following: 10,000 rmb travel expenses per-anum, fair salary deposited into my account on time every month, holiday bonuses, a free furnished apartment, travel to other campuses paid, and holiday pay. All in all the local staff have been good to me and have responded to most of my grievances or complaints. Jiaying is not a "shameful joke". They make do with the resources they have available. Also, I have been in contact with teachers who were here for more than five years and no one is familiar with any teacher named "Joanne". It seems that "Joanne" is an alias so be careful of trusting anyone who will not defend their words in their own name.

Joanne - 2008-11-17
Jiaying University Incompetence

Jiaying University is a terrible place which is abusive of its teaching staff, and shows a complete lack of respect to all foreign teachers. Please avoid it, and be especially careful when dealing with these shysters. They are a shameful joke, and an embarrassment to China. They do not take care of the needs of the foreign teachers, and refuse to address them They break the contract with impunity, and regularity. It is a stressful, and disrespectful university.

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