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#1 Parent Da Yan Jing - 2005-01-10
Doing your part...

Wonderful challenge!

It's great to hear about how other people do selfless acts, and the small things that make a big difference to someone else!

On my days off, I work to implement a non-verbal speech program for Autistic children in an out of city orphanage. I've had to learn to do it in Chinese, but the struggle is well worth it.

Last Christmas I went to a market and bought 2000 big fluffly teddy bears ( the real cuddly kind! ) and took them to a different orphanage dressed up as Santa's helper. It was so much fun! They were so surprised! And everytime I go to visit and play, every single bed has a big worn out teddy bear!

Rather than give money or nothing to beggars on the street, I try to give them food. Yes, often it is rejected and they scream about how I'm a rich selfish foreigner. Too bad for them, and now they get nothing.

Once, I came out of Pizza Hut with a takeout box of hot pizza in search of a beggar kid. Of course, he found me before I found him. I gave him the pizza. He didn't know what it was, so I opened it ( it was a very cold day and you could see the steam coming off of the food...) and told him that it was very good to eat. He took it and jumped on it! Then he made a HUGE scene about how the rich foreigner won't give him any money! Yeesh!

So I've completely given up on beggars. But if someone comes to my taxi window selling maps in a language I don't understand, or window cleaning squeegies - I buy three!

You're right about coming to another country and seeing people in some sort of need every day - why not take a second to do something? It doesn't hurt!

#2 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2005-01-09
Funs of being useful to someone.

Dear Gary & Esl-in-Asia:
Schooling is very expensive in China now-a-days. There are lots of people who just can't afford going. If you were not satisfied with the schools, why not try to teach some of the participators in the public English Corners? You'll find them the most gratifying bunch; or you could donate some time in answering questions and helping students through emailing. Those are also my experience since the last 6 years in China.
Alex Wu

#3 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-09
You could give money to the tsunami victims

Gary Harwell - 2005-01-08
But WHAT are you personally doing?

First, William Box.. and others... Thank you for your support.

Now, This is addressed to all who read this board...

What are you personally doing to improve the Human Condition where you are? Yes, it's nice to go and teach and get to know different cultures and all that. But, that's not enough. You(we) have to go beyond the classroom.

For example.... I have owned and run schools in Guatemala and Ecuador. I decided that 10% of the students would be scholarships. Those were reserved for people who just needed a break to help them get along better in life.

I have tried to provide scholarships to Unwed Mothers in Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia and Kazakhstan. Vladimir and Ivan knocked them up and then told them to take a hike. They just need a break to help them get a better job.

I've taught English under a Streetlight in Saudi Arabia.

Everything is beyond the regular classroom duties. What are you(we) as teachers doing to improve the Human Condition?

I'd like to know or see some examples, Unless you are against improving the Human Condition. In that case I'll understand if nothing shows up.

Gary Harwell

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