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#1 Parent bungle - 2008-12-19
Re: christmas party ha!

unfortunately they have made the party an ECA (extra curricular activity) and so say that ths FT's must go because we are contracted to do so, they are expecting us to organise games for the customers, :(

#2 Parent Wendy - 2008-12-19
Re: christmas party ha!

This reminds me of the so called "parties" that we had at Aston when I was working there for them in China. All forgein teachers were expected to attend and the Chinese teachers were ordered to attend! The foreign teachers had to endure hours of "how do I improve my English" and having to talk to children who were pushed in front of you by their parents. This goes on for hours and hours! Oh course the food and drinks that were promised to us either never show up or were in such short supply that some teachers would dash out and get carry out and beer to endure the pain till we could escape with our CT friends. These schools go to such exterme measures to use all of their teachers and I really feel for the Chinese teachers and how they are used there at every chance by Aston. This is one of many ways that your school will use you for its endless promos that they do. You can avoid these "parties" or go and put up with it.

bungle - 2008-12-18
christmas party ha!

i am working at a training school and its a nice place to work (regardless of a few small problems buts thats ok), but the christmas party is happening on saturday night and i have found out to my dismay that it has been turned into a marketing event

The company have decided to pay for all the foreign teachers to go and have invited the customers to attend, but they refuse to pay for the chinese staff.

I am really pissed about this because i was looking forward to hanging out with some of the staff members outside work. The chinese staff members here are really nice and we have a lot of fun in work. I told my boss that i was not going only for her to tell me that it was compulsory that all teachers attended, so its not even a party its work.

to tell you the truth i dont want to hang out with students outside work, they are not my friends, but i do want to hang out with my chinese co workers.

i have been in china for a while so i suppose i should have expected this, but this is a Bu hao

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