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#1 Parent doesitmatter - 2008-12-22
Re: Can a school be both public and private?

Yes, indeed, smart choice. That is, if they won't negotiate with you, especially on the manner of flight reimbursement. give them a wide berth. It is way too common for private schools to come up with some flimsy excuse for not paying you what they promised in the beginning, and, by the way, that can include more than just flight pay. Bonuses, travel pay and etc. are generally just lures. Moreover, we can't always expect contracts to protect us in China - especially those written by private schools.

Newbies beware! Never except the promise of flight pay at the end of your contract, whether it's with a private school or public school. Monthly payments only. Here's an example of what you can do: At one college where I worked in the past, it was decided that all employees would receive the same flight pay. Seems fair on the surface, but it's not because it costs more to fly to North America than it does to England or Australia. Also, you have to consider the cost of flying from your city in China to either Hong Kong or Beijing. I and a few other of the North American teachers made it quite clear we would not renew our contracts if this imbalance of payments was not rectified. After more than a month of negotiating, we were reimbursed for the past months of payments that were too low and in the ensuing months were paid 200 kwai more a month. Okay, that only amounts to 2000 kwai, but what the hell, I'll bend over backward to keep them honest. So should everyone else. If you don't, you're not only hurting yourself but you're also hurting your fellow FTs; moreover, you're giving the scam artists the green light to continue their unfair practices.

Keep them honest!

Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-22
Can a school be both public and private?

I have been negotiating with a school for a position with them, and I am having my doubts. Reason one I am having doubts, is that this place claims to be both a publicly owned school, and a private institution as well. What?

This sounds like hogwash to me, how can you be both public and private I asked? They say they are owned by the government, but are an "English training center" so they are both public and private.

This sounds like bunk to me, and just some new way for private training centers to escape the stigma of being nothing mpore than a language mill. They all read these boards, just like us teachers do. They know full well that public schools are seen as much better places to work than private ones. Hence this new line of BS to attract new teachers.

I don't like it one bit, this trying to have your cake and eat it to, you can't be both public and private. Or am I missing something?

My other concern is that, innitially they offered no airfare reimbursement. Then, after some negotiating, they offered it, but will only pay it at the end of year. Now we all know 70 percent of schools will try to find some way not to pay this end of year bonus of sorts, hence, monthly payments are much more reasonable I think. They however won't budge, yet another reason to be suspicious.

I think I will pass, if only because it all sounds rather fishy to me, and contradictory to boot.

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