Return to Index › Re: "The call of nature": Praise of a certain place
#1 Parent truth - 2008-12-27
Re: "The call of nature": Praise of a certain place

Yes, of course. I have always believed that taunting your detractors connotes a high degree of intelligence. Don't you you find this so, turino?

#2 Parent Turino - 2008-12-27
Re: "The call of nature": Praise of a certain place

callmefred posted"'Hate your guts'? What on earth makes you think that? I cannot for one moment believe any poster on this forum harbors a feeling of that nature toward you. Certainly not I.
Sympathy however......... "
Turino says: Having seen some of the cruel and hurtful words posted on this board against Silverboy, I can understand why he thinks some posters hate his guts. But it seems he doesn't care much about it.
Furthermore,it could well be that he's not seeking sympathy at all - more likely he's trying to make his detractors angrier still.If he get's a kick out of being able to do so, good on him, imo!

#3 Parent callmefred - 2008-12-26
Re: "The call of nature": Praise of a certain place

"Hate your guts"? What on earth makes you think that? I cannot for one moment believe any poster on this forum harbors a feeling of that nature toward you. Certainly not I.
Sympathy however.........

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