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#1 Parent sarah cawley - 2010-01-08
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

I also paid a placement fee. I'm so angry. Someone needs to shut this site down! Is there a way of reporting it?? I'll never pay a placement fee again...........

#2 Parent Jennifer - 2010-01-01
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

This is great information! Unfortunately I didn't see it before I paid the 'final placement fee.' I'm looking for teaching jobs in Europe...anyway know of reputable placement agencies or how ones goes about getting these great jobs. I received my TEFL certificate and am ready to teach. Thanks, Jennifer

#3 Parent prikha - 2009-11-27
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

I have been duped by these scoundrels at jobs4teachers.com and I paid a fee of 100 euros and after that I never got any reply from them. suddenly they sprang up last week stating that a school in paris has shown interest in my profile and i filled up a questionnaire for the same and today they sent me mail stating that school is ready to hire me as an english teacher and i need to sign a contract plus send some 110 dollars as placement fee. its is out n out a scam!! I am desperately looking for a teaching job in europe and thats why trusted this site in the begining but they are all cheat. could you please help me how to find a teaching job in europe and is this any way out to report against this site..

#4 Parent Ryan P - 2009-09-13
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

Hi all,
Thank you all for your informative posts.
I submitted my application/resume etc to the sight and received a carbon copy, word for word (signed by the same Gloria Weinberg) Email about how these amazing schools with amazing salaries were interested in me for interviews etc. I only have to submit my fee prior to the interview. I've never heard of a recruiter/recruitment agency asking for a fee from applicants before (that weren't scams that is). I thank GOD I did a little searching to try and verify the legitimacy of this "company" before submitting any fee (actually I wasn't going to, but I was VERY tempted; especially with the "offers" etc). Aesthetically the website actually looks pretty professional, but after reading your posts I know better. Ha ha, I was offered an interview with the same amazing school in Paris and one in Spain.
Here is an example of some of the Email exchanges I had with them (still haven't received a reply to the last Email/request (first listed here below))
Good point Gloria, maybe I'll consider it.
If you don't mind, would you provide me with a few details regarding your company:
Out of what country and location are you licensed to do business? Can you provide me with the agency that does the business licensing so I may confirm your companies license to do business?
What is the physical address of the headquarters for your company and the land-line phone number that is associated with the facility at that physical address? For example, if you are licensed to operate business out of Germany, by law you must have a physical address for your company - I would like the phone number associated with that location (not a phone number located elsewhere nor a cell phone etc).
Also, if you don't mind, would you give me a reference/contact information for someone (or more than one person) you have helped get a job recently? I would like to discuss their experience with your company and find out about their experiences with the current school where they work. I'd also like to contact that school in order to verify their employment.
I know these requests are no problem for a legitimate company as yours claims to be, so I'll look forward to hearing from you soon with the details.
After these requests are satisfied, I'd be happy to pay the fee especially for your guaranteed job placement. I do think it is worth it for better salary, jobs, working conditions etc.
Thank you kindly,
Ryan P Anthony
Dear Ryan,

It is nice to hear back from you.

In the meantime I would like to ask you to take a look at our FAQ section. You will find the answer to most of your questions by following the link below:


Then click >Frequently asked questions on the upper left side.

As for your other question:

"There is value in the service(s) you provide Im sure, but if I can have this service provided for me for free elsewhere why would I pay someone for it?"

Because the schools work exclusively with us and you would not find our teaching job openings anywhere else. Better salary, better location, better contracts, more security- That is what you get in return.

Warm Regards,

Gloria Weinberg
Teacher Support

Jobs4Teachers Support Team
Email: support@jobs4teachers.org
Web: http://www.jobs4teachers.org

Submit a new Teacher Support-Ticket:


There is value in the service(s) you provide Im sure, but if I can have this service provided for me for free elsewhere why would I pay someone for it? In fact I have submitted my resume and qualifications to a few reputable recruiters and/or job placement sites and have already received several decent offers (with interviews) for free. Thank you for your time in answering my question, but if I have to pay a fee in order to participate in an interview then I am not interested in using your services.
Again, thank you for your time and effort in answering my inquiry.
All the best,
Ryan P Anthony

From: Jobs4Teachers [mailto:support@jobs4teachers.org]
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 4:51 PM
To: 'Ryan Anthony'
Subject: Support Ticket

Dear Ryan,

It is nice to hear back from you. We have informed the school
about your interest. They will get back to us by Monday with the
time and date for the first phone interview. During this phone
conversation you will get the chance to ask the school questions
about the teaching environment and whatever is on your mind.

In the meantime I would like to ask you to take a look at our
FAQ section. You will find the answer to most of your questions
by following the link below:


Then click >Frequently asked questions on the upper left side

The application fee is a one-time payment and good for ALL
Upcoming phone job interviews until you have a paid teaching
Job in your pocket.

You will be notified by Email as soon as we receive your first
phone interview date from the school in Paris.

Warm Regards,

Gloria Weinberg
Teacher Support

Jobs4Teachers Support Team
Email: support@jobs4teachers.org
Web: http://www.jobs4teachers.org

Submit a new Teacher Support-Ticket:

#5 Parent Yonis - 2009-08-09
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

Thank you to everyone who posted on here.I was ecstatic thinking that I finally got a teaching job in Rome.Sadly, I did a little more background check and found this site.I dont have an EU passport but I have lived in Rome for 3 years before.What are the chances of getting back into the country and working as an Oral English instructor?I do have my TESOL certificate although taking time off as Im in my 2-3rd year of university and just need a really extensively long break.



#6 Parent Lisa Stone - 2009-02-18
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

I just received another email from jobs4teachers.org saying they've set up a phone interview for March and that I still need to submit my application fee or my information will be deleted from their database.

I've lodged a complaint with the FTC and post any updates.

Here's the second email:

From: "Jobs4Teachers Support" <support@jobs4teachers.org>
Date: February 18, 2009 12:12:40 PM PST
To: Lisa Stone
Subject: First job interview is set (March 3rd, 5:00 pm)

Dear Teacher:

We have already received your first phone interview date with one of our
associated schools.

The school would like to phone interview you on Tuesday the 3rd of March at
1pm (your local time). This phone conversation is not to be considered a
test but to get to know you better.
You will also have the chance to ask the school about work environment and
all terms and conditions of this teaching commitment.

Please note that the Application Fee must be submitted prior to any phone
interview. You have not submitted your Application Fee as of today (18th of
February). Due to the lack of time we are asking you to use the following
link to submit the Application Fee at your earliest convenience:


Your payment will be processed immediately and your file is freed up for all
upcoming job interviews with our associated schools. There is no other Fee
involved beside the Application Fee and the final Placement Fee. For more
information please visit the FAQ section on our website or contact our Team:


Please note that your file and application will be automatically deleted
within 7 days if you do not wish to continue with the job placement process.
In this case the schools will be informed that you are not interested.

Sincerely Yours,

Gloria Weinberg
Teacher Advisor

Jobs4Teacher Support Team
Email: support@jobs4teachers.org
Web: http://www.jobs4teachers.org
Alte Landstrasse, Frankfurt, Germany

Submit a new Teacher Support-Ticket:

#7 Parent Sally - 2009-02-16
Re: Is jobs4teachers.org a Valid website?

yup, its crap, don't give in if you havent already, and if you have, cancel your card ASAP. i lost 150 to them in December. never again!!!

#8 Parent Sue - 2009-02-15
Re: Is jobs4teachers.org a Valid website?

Me too! Now, I feel we have been scammed. Have you heard anything more?

#9 Parent Bill Pesulis - 2009-02-13
Re: Scam paidtefljobs.com and EDUquality

Thanks for your warnings against this outfit. I also received like offers, but with
monies to be put forth as part of their application procedure.

#10 Parent Lisa Stone - 2009-02-13
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

Thanks so much for the update! I applied through the website (no fee) and they emailed me back----see info below-----and I was researching the company's validity before submitting the fees when I came across this discussion thread. This is so disappointing and dismaying!! I am going to look into what can be done to shut this website down (again) and will report any updates.

Email from Jobs4teachers.org----

Dear Lisa:

Your application has been approved as of today. We checked all relevant
details in your application and everything looks fine with the information
you have provided. You definitely qualify for our Teacher Recruitment
Process. In less than ten minutes you could take the steps to changing
your life. Our recruitment process aims to ensure that the right teacher
reaches the right place.

Your Application has already been reviewed by some of our registered
employers and one school in particular is eager to get to know you right
away. This school is located in Paris, France - Reference number 5622.
Please find more information in the job list on our website.

The Job Placement Package includes:

-a guaranteed paid teaching job in a country of your choice.
Jobs4Teachers is associated with by far more than 600 reputable
Schools in 32 countries worldwide.

-Visa Processing and work permit. Our dedicated visa processing
team will walk you through this process every step of the way.

-Airport Pick-up and settling down. A Jobs4Teachers representative
will pick you up at the airport and help you to get settled into your life
as an English teacher.

Simply click the link below to follow up with the Placement Process:

You will be guided step by step through the entire process.

Sincerely Yours,

Gloria Weinberg
Teacher Support

Jobs4Teacher Support Team
Email: support@jobs4teachers.org
Web: http://www.jobs4teachers.org
Fax/Phone: +49-0-3221-1272059
Alte Landstrasse, Frankfurt, Germany

Copyright 2002-2008 by Jobs4Teachers Global job market for Teachers

#11 Parent Danny Boy - 2009-02-11
Re: Scam jobs4teachers.org is up again.

The old website they used to have is up and running again. They just emailed me and told me that I have a free 30 days access to their database to contact their schools directly. As it turned out, I wasn't able to see the schools name and information. If there's somebody out there who has the authority to put permanently close this website and put behind bars the people who are involved, please stand up

#12 Parent Diane - 2009-01-21
Re: Scam paidtefljobs.com and EDUquality

l. Hey guys

I just got an email from this jobs4teachers deal and as i do not have EU status either, it also made me suspicious right away. I have also just recently discovered a scam with EDUquality in Spain (the real EDUquality is an agency that places students in language schools, therefore they DO NOT hire English teachers!!)

So i suspect that perhaps the same people may be behind this all?!

Anyway a message to all TEFL teachers out there - check, double check and even triple check any potential employers and do your best to report any scams you come across. Let's help keep our job sector safe from these fraudsters!!

#13 Parent Rolf - 2008-12-28
Re: Is paidtefljobs.com a valid website? Now paidtefljobs.com

I did a "Who Is" domain search and see that Harry Graber supposedly from Santo Domingo owns the domain name of paidtefljobs.com. The same email address of
mayorvampire@hotmail.com, listed as the contact of the domain registrant, also pops up as the email address for "hiring manager" Antonia Rodriguez's fake Spain school listing on the ESLemployment.com website. Below is the link to that fraudulent TEFL "opening":


Sally and any others who charged the $100 fee online to the very shady paidtefljobs.com folks should immediately call their credit card companies to charge back. Better yet, cancel your account on the card and get another number asap. Wouldn't want the crooks to have access to your account for more credit card charges....

#14 Parent Rolf - 2008-12-28
Re: Scam paidtefljobs.com site has just now been shut down!

All the more reason to charge back on your credit card if you paid the scamsters a registration or "job listing" access fee...Glad they have stopped these con artists from preying on any other unsuspecting, trusting teachers.

Here's to a successful 2009 for us all.

#15 Parent Danny boy - 2008-12-28
Re: Is jobs4teachers.org a Valid website? Now paidtefljobs.com

I am afraid that this MIGHT BE a scam. They have changed their website address now. It is on paidtefljobs.com. They do have a live chat and call back service but they can't seem to give you their physical address and telephone number. They have a voice box and an address in SPAIN (not in GERMANY anymore). let me know about the updates.

#16 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-17
Re: Is jobs4teachers.org a Valid website?

Sally, it's been my experience that people who require you to pay them money to find you a teaching job are not legit.

You see, they are already getting paid by the school, so in essence they are double dipping. You will likely find no job through this company, and it was probably just a scam.

Recruiters that are legit, if there be such a thing, are few and far between, and none of them require you to pay them a fee. I am afraid you've been had, there are countless recruiters out there who would love to recruit you, and they would not charge you a dime. You should have searched a bit more, you'd have saved a hundred bucks.

#17 Parent Sally - 2008-12-16
Re: Is jobs4teachers.org a Valid website?

I paid the $100 application fee and I'll see what happens. I've been suspicious from the start but at this point I'm desperate for a job in Europe and am really going out on a limb with this "company". I'll let you know if something pans out... hope that you all will do the same!

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