Return to Index › English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!
#1 Parent Gingermeggs - 2009-01-13
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

Strange! I have spent a few years in Jinan and never noticed anything too bad. Prostitution, you say? Rubbish! There is no prostitution in China!

#2 Parent Lar - 2009-01-10
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

For my entire stay in China ,in different provinces and cities, it is only here in Jinan where you can find a lot of acts like this and they are extremely obvious.

#3 Parent Gingermeggs - 2009-01-09
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

So, tell us. Why Jinan in particular?

#4 Parent Lar - 2009-01-09
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

Really? Well, when people have same or similar ideas,beliefs and values ,they tend to speak and write alike.

As I've posted earlier, I just hope schools' administrators and owners will see the real essence of educating their students, where in good values are part of it...so, if their FTs don't have ,how can they totally meet the goal?...to be a competitive citizen of the world???.....So ,wake up school owners and managers!!!

#5 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-08
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

No offense Lars, but all these so called "posters" as you call them, type and talk a lot like you, interesting.

#6 Parent Lar - 2009-01-08
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

That's your opinion and I totally respect for that...I don't have a personal grudge to anyone here...I'm only pointing out what I personally saw and observed..And I just hope schools can see the obvious wrongdoings of their FTs...I appreciate posters who see my point...good values are supposedly part of our job here...as educators, we better set a good example for our students..... Students tend to follow what their teachers do and say..We are not perfect, I know, but at least , we better do the best that we can do morally wise...And about your statement of being bitter for not getting any flesh myself...well, I'm really not getting any flesh outside or anywhere, of which I may become immoral and might get an illness.....I have my very own with all our commitments, besides we are morally upright and legal whatever we want to do within our relationship..I know this maybe out of what I have posted here ,but I'm only answering your comments.

#7 Parent Bob - 2009-01-08
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

I've read your opinion on Mr. Lar's post..and seems you're hitting him personally by saying "you're just bitter because you're not getting any flesh yourself"... Well, that's what you think,maybe...But, I guess this is a matter of how well the school managers, owners and administrators know their school's flag bearers ...Actually, I agree with his opinion, though people are entitled to their own and we all know we have our own different opinions...I just also believed ,schools are supposed to know who their foreign teachers are, if not their very private life, but at least what are they presently doing after working hours....just a little!!. maybe the most obvious one....not spying them , but the actions speak for that...For me, it doesn't sounds good if your FTs act/do a sort of prostitution or similar actions.....The FTs are bringing the schools' name they are working for, especially if this school is a training school..The competition is so tough for training schools...So, if I'm a parent and knows that one of the Fts of that particular school is doing "monkey business" as in prostitution or acting like a tramp ,I don't dare sending my kid to that school...there are a lot of training schools somewhere...As a concerned citizen ,good values are also important not just learning another language..For young CHinese students, they adore their Fts so much..SOmetimes they even follow the dress style and even the speaking expression...so FTs are supposed to set a good example to their students, not just teach English and leave!!

#8 Parent Bob - 2009-01-08
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

I'm glad that you saw what Mr. Lar is projecting here...I, myself agree with his opinion, though people are entitled to their own and we all know we have our own different opinions...and I'm not generalizing all FTs...I just believed ,schools are supposed to know who their foreign teachers are, if not their very private life, but at least what are they presently doing after working hours....just a little!!. maybe the most obvious one....not spying them , but the actions speak for that...For me, it doesn't sounds good if your FTs act/do a sort of prostitution or similar actions.....The FTs are bringing the schools' name they are working for, especially if this school is a training school..The competition is so tough for training schools...So, if I'm a parent and knows that one of the Fts of that particular school is doing "monkey business" as in prostitution or acting like a tramp ,I don't dare sending my kid to that school...there are a lot of training schools somewhere...As a concerned citizen ,good values are also important not just learning another language..For young CHinese students, they adore their Fts so much..SOmetimes they even follow the dress style and even the speaking expression...so FTs are supposed to set a good example to their students, not just teach English and leave!!

#9 Parent not surprised anymore - 2009-01-07
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

Lar is it, forgive me but, you don't sound so bright? What you posted overly generalizes foreign teachers here. It would be like me saying all Chinese are greedy pigs. While you have a right to an opinion, doesn't mean it's right.

Whatever grudge you have against foreigners, and clearly you have one, likely against the white variety, you should keep it to yourself, or should I say all Chinese people are biggots? That would get you going, I am sure, because it is certainly not true, just as we are not all shameless and up to know good.

As for being here just for the "flesh" as you put it, what nonsense, and also what stupidity. Men are men, women are women, I reckon there would not be 1.3 billion Chinese if they did not enjoy the "flesh" more than most. My guess is you are just bitter because you are not getting any "flesh" yourself.

#10 Parent (foreign characters) - 2009-01-07
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!


I see your point a bit clearer now, and I agree that managers and directors should have a limited interest in the after classroom hours of their teachers. I have to apologize for my English, because after rereading my post I found many grammatical errors.

I agree with you that foreign teachers that are acting like 'life in China is just one big party' are creating problems for the students, the students' parents and even ruining the reputation of their country.

But unfortunately a problem is not a problem until a student or the student's parents complain about that teacher.

#11 Parent Bob - 2009-01-07
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

I respect your opinion regarding Mr./Ms. Lar's post....But, I guess schools are supposed to know who their foreign teachers are, if not their very private life, but at least what are they presently doing....just a little!!...not spying, but the actions speak for that...The FTs are bringing the schools' name they are working for, especially if this school is a training school..The competition is so tough for training schools...So, if I'm a parent and knows that one of the Fts of that particular school is doing "monkey business" as in prostitution or acting like a tramp ,I don't dare sending my kid to that school...there are a lot of training schools somewhere...As a concerned citizen ,good values are also important not just learning another language..For young CHinese students, they adore their Fts so much..SOmetimes they even follow the dress style and even the speaking expression...so FTs are supposed to set a good example to their students, not just teach English and leave!!....Just let the school owners ,managers and administrators, be more aware and I think it won't give harm to anybody!!

#12 Parent Bob - 2009-01-07
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

I second with you.....Schools are supposed to know who there foreign teachers are, if not their very private life, but at least what are they presently doing....just a little!!...not spying, but the actions speak for that...The FTs are bringing the schools' name they are working for, especially if this school is a training school..The competition is so tough for training schools...So, if I'm a parent and knows that one of the Fts of that particular school is doing "monkey business" as in prostitution or acting like a tramp ,I don't dare sending my kid to that school...there are a lot of training schools somewhere...As a concerned citizen ,good values are also important not just learning another language..For young CHinese students, they adore their Fts so much..SOmetimes they even follow the dress style and even the speaking expression...so FTs are supposed to set a good example to their students, not just teach English and leave!!

#13 Parent Lar - 2009-01-06
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

Well, you're right in your statement..."it's their monkey business, not ours"....so, in this case it is just okey for the school managers bringing the name of their school as "FT" to teach English to their students and the same time a prostitute, a tramp, a gold digger, a woman with multiple partners?..It doesn't make sense to me...it is a crap policy, I supposed..... if it was her/ their past ,maybe,... consideration will be given, but presently doing it ??...oh wow, maybe one day if schools are not more concerned and aware of the people they are hiring as FT,they just wake up and walk like a man without head...schools with no good values because the teachers themselves don't have!!

#14 Parent Isitreallytheiroryourbusiness? - 2009-01-06
Re: English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

This post is a bit annoying. Are foreign teacher not allowed to have a private life... should we be spied on? Should be know the private lives of our managers or directors? Trust me friend, not all Chinese people are golden angels, and neither are foreigners of China. If these managers and directors are only out for money and don't care about the personal evaluation of a FT's character (which is mostly true) then it doesn't really make any different, does it?

It's their "monkey business" it's none of yours... if someone is doing something illegal then report them already.

Lar - 2009-01-06
English Schools in Jinan City..How well do you know your foreign teachers?Be aware!!

Hey school managers, owners of English schools in CHina especially in Jinan City....How well and far do you know your foreign teachers? Do you dig deeper who really are they and what are they presently doing here other than teaching in your school ...Do you intend to know their personal level or just leave them away as long as they can teach ENglish??? Are good values part of your school's teaching staffs?

Be aware because you might be one of their victims...Some teachers are just using your invitation to have a working visa, to teach legally here ,but doing a sort of "monkey businesses", including flesh!!!

Don't be one of their victims....They are Shameless people!!!

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