Return to Index › Help! New student - No English
#1 Parent MC - 2009-01-09
Re: Help! New student - No English

Read to him, read with him, compliment him - he/she will imitate you, and dont forget little gifts (candies..).

#2 Parent jerome - 2009-01-08
Re: Help! New student - No English

I'd be interested in knowing exactly how much time you had with that first class; in addition, I'd like to know if you feel as though your students actually learned all that information. My feeling is that the material was presented on an introductory basis; that is, you can't have moved very far beyond those fundamentals in your next class.

I'd also like to know if you're referring to an ESL class or an EFL class. Although there is quite a difference between the two, they are often misused in this forum. The reason I ask is that a beginning ESL class would certainly have had more exposure to the basics you taught them than would an EFL class; therefore, I would find it more believable that they actually acquired the language you presented to them. The exception, of course, being newly arrived immigrants who hadn't had any prior exposure to the language.

Aside from the above questions, though, I do agree that your approach is correct and wish you luck in your future endeavors.

#3 Parent tip - 2009-01-08
Re: Help! New student - No English

Being a brand new ESL Teacher can be very scary. One thing I did at the very first class with my Beginning ESL Students was to teach the following Information: 1) Personal Pronouns -I, You, He, She, It, We, and They; 2) Conjugation of the verb "to be"- I am, you are, he is, she is, it is, we are, they are; 3) Contraction of the verb "to be"- I'm, you're, he's, she's it's, we're,they're; 4)Use of Articles "a" and "an"; 5) Prepositions- on, under, below, next to, in the middle of, behind, in front of, in; 6) Question Words: Who, What, Where, When, Why and How- also the specific context they are used in and what each question word represents.

I also recommend that you look at this web site under ESL Resources and ESL lessons for other ideas and suggestions.
Dr. Yanni Zack

More here: http://www.eslteachersboard.com/cgi-bin/column/index.pl

madeline may - 2009-01-08
Help! New student - No English

I teach in the states and am getting a new student tomorrow without ANY English language skills whatsoever. I'm at a loss for what to do with him tomorrow. He is literate in his primary language (Chinese) and I have another child who speaks Chinese in class. This is a second grade class (age 7-8). Thank you!!

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