Return to Index › Nemo in Zhengzhou City - eslabroad@yahoo.cn
#1 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-09
Re: Nemo in Zhengzhou City - eslabroad@yahoo.cn

I wish I could say I was surprised, bu like the name says, I'm not anymore. However, what does surprise me is that foreigners are still falling for this gaff.

Everyone and their mother knows never, ever pay someone to find you a job. If they are for real, which is often unlikely, they are getting paid by the school as well, hence they don't need any money from you. Anyone who charges you to find what you can find yourself is not someone I would deal with. Even if he is legit, why use such a person? Recruiters are bad enough to deal with, but recruiters who make "you" pay them for their services, talk about double trouble.

This sounds like a total scam though, did he get you a job? You need to give us more details, I mean, if he did get you jobs, than no problem, even if you don't like the job he got you. If he did not, than he's just some thief, and needs to be reported to the police immediatly. Just make sure all of you who went to him are 100 percent legal and able to work here in the teaching field, or there is little you can do.

This is one of the pitfalls of not being legally employable, it's buyer beware, because if you get screwed by someone like this, there's little you can do, and they know it.

If you must deal with recruiters, ugh, never use one that asks for money from you. However, if you simply have access to google, which we all do, they are really superfluous, when will people figure that out?

Compliments - 2009-01-08
Nemo in Zhengzhou City - eslabroad@yahoo.cn

While a number of agents are being so honest with their business others are not,They Charge some exceeding amounts of about 2500RMB-4000RMB from most foreigners on the pretext of getting them jobs but defraud them as soon as they receive the money.

One Example is a Chinese guy called NEMO.He is now living in ZHENGZHOU city HENAN and his number is 13523085424 and his yahoo mail address is eslabroad@yahoo.cn

I strongly advise all foreign teachers BLACKS,WHITE ,YELLOW or any other race from any country to be extra careful with him .Never contact him for any job nor accept any job from Him.No one should transfer money to him Through the bank or any Medium.Currently ,He is holding money that belong to many foreigners of which I am one of them.He never answered our phones as soon as he got our money.No one should deal with his.He is a liar.He has no job anywhere.Below is an example of his job posts.

He is currently holding 20,000RMB that was transfered to him by seven foreigners including me on the pretext of offering Jobs .Any attempt made to get back the money has not been successful since he had not been aswering our phones calls.However anytime we use different lines to call him,he answers but on recognising the voices put off the phone.We are currently making arrangements to report him to the police.

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