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#1 Parent doesitmatter - 2009-01-15
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school?

Apparently, you didn't read the post written by me that was the post Turnoi directly responded to. If you'd like to read that one first and then still want to engage in the debate, I'll be happy to respond - if you can refrain from using an accusative tone.

#2 Parent doesitmatter - 2009-01-15
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school?

Hmm, must be a case of the truth hurting. I would guess by the tone of your indignation that you're one of those pretend teachers who find a lot to complain about and feel threatened by the real teachers around you. Maybe it's time to get back to that pizza delivery job you left in America so that you could come to China and participate in the scam against Chinese students and their parents. And don't worry about the economic situation there, young man - after all, everybody loves their pizza, even in the hardest of times.

How is it, by the way, that you and your ilk can feel comfortable supporting your fellow FTs that resort to cheating. Please note, that I expected this sort of backlash. Yes, stand up pretend teachers! Hell's bells, might as well form your own union. PTUC (Pretend Teachers United in China)

Well, one things for certain: Sooner or later you'll all be shown the door. Gee, I'll be sorry to see you go. Not.

#3 Parent The Englightened One - 2009-01-15
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school?

Doesitmatter, I don't see how you make the connection from others blaming the educational/economical situations on politicians to anyone who shares that view condones cheating in the classroom. That seems like a wild and reckless connection, and you seen intent on separating yourself from the garbage (at least that's the picture you're painting).

I think everyone shares the blame, even you. You didn't hold an organized, massive protest against the education system in China. You just decided to finger other people. In my opinion, you have an air of superiority that is resentful.

I imagine you don't make friends very easily here in China. You paint a picture to me of some kind of "Fake Teacher" headhunter... it's not admirable.

#4 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-15
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school?

Oh please doesitmatter get off your soapbox, everyone here can see that all you are doing is patting yourself on the back as some moral and ethical giant with your little rant. I don't think any one here cares to hear a preacher, if I wanted that I would still go to church.

Doesitmatter is trying to make himself feel superior, by bashing someone else, or finding reason to bash, and climbing up on a soapbox and singing the praises of morals and ethics, hence becomng their poster boy.

Wish I could say I was surprised, but I have seen this song and dance before from numerous other insecure people.

Give it a rest man.

#5 Parent doesitmatter - 2009-01-15
Re: What's reaonable and unreasonable to ask of a school?

I see. You think that because the higher ups created a house of cards that has finally been toppled due to a variety of reasons that it only follows that individuals whose responsibility is to educate young people should be allowed to do so regardless if they demonstrate ethical behavior or not. In this case, it seems that you condone teachers encouraging students to cheat. If so, count me as one who is in total disagreement with you and wouldn't trust you for a minute.

In my mind, nothing justifies anyone walking into a classroom of any kind, anywhere, without doing so with a strong ethical base as a foundation for every utterance and every action. That seems rather simplistic, but apparently it needs to be said.

"Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will."
John D. MacDonald

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