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#1 Parent my two sense - 2009-01-16
Re: Native speaker

This is slightly off topic because it's not exactly what an "employer" thinks. I had a spirited "debate" about this issue with a colleague once. To me it doesn't even matter if English is one of your country's "official" languages. To me the language you are speaking at home with Mom, Dad, whomever, is your native language. By my definition close to half the population of China do not count as "native speakers" of Mandarin. I often get annoyed when I hear Chinese say there are more native speakers of Mandarin than any other language in the world because, to me, that number should include only those Chinese actually speaking Mandarin from the moment they begin speaking and not the entire population of China. I can walk the streets of the city of several million where I now live in China and my ears will perk up when I actually hear Mandarin because it's so rare that I do. Many Africans and Indians will swear they are native speakers and lots of Filipinos as well because English is listed as one of their country's "official" languages. Call me a snob but I find such claims annoying and deceptive.

#2 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2008-12-22
Re: Native speaker

They categorize you based upon what languager is spoken in your country, it's that simple. I would think the meaning of "native" speaker would be obvious, your a native of a country where "English" is the spoken language. In America most everyone speaks English, hence, if your from there your a "native" English speaker.

If however your from Spain, your not, get it?

It doesn't matter if you have no accent, odds are you'll never speak it as well as an accomplioshed native speaker. Maybe you speak better than your Homey in the hood, who has little education, but that's not what the majority of schools here look for. In truth though, they just play to parents and adult learners preconceptions in regards to who teaches the best English.

It might also be that you speak it well enough to teach it, native or not. However, the preconceptions of parents and most students say that you do not, so they don't want you.

In the end it is all about perception being reality, and in reality, you are perceived as an inferior product, regardless of your actual ability. Hope this post helps.

#3 Parent Andrew - 2008-12-21
Re: Native speaker

It is simple! The answer is within yourself. You are an immigrant therefore you are not a native speaker. A native speaker means someone who was born with it in the country where it is the mother tongue.

Shaboa - 2008-12-20
Native speaker

How do employers categorize someone who isn't a native born, but lives in an English speaking country for a long time and doesn't have a foreign accent?

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