Return to Index › Proulex Guadalajara
#1 Parent New Teacher - 2009-02-04
Re: Proulex Guadalajara

I have read the postings regarding this school and am curious if anyone has any positive experiences with them? as I was considering applying as there seems to be a slight shortage of jobs in Guadalajara at this time of year. Also I met a Mexican person who I trust and was assured that it is infact better than many other schools in the area. Any advice would be appreciated

#2 Parent londonboy - 2009-01-24
Re: Proulex Guadalajara

I had a few friends who worked for Proulex. Why any foreigner would choose to work there is beyond me. There are many better paying schools who appreciate native speakers a lot more than this school. I am only going on what my friends told me but I believe what they said. They no longer work there and I am sure this school has made no improvements since that time regarding their treatment of employees.

#3 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-23
Re: Proulex Guadalajara

Only problem with that enlightened one is money. Firstly, getting such a website or page to show up high enough on google search to make a difference would cost significant doe.

Websites have to make money to attract viewers. Believe me, a website doesn't show up as number one on a search unless you know the exact address, and you won't know that unless you have heard of iot or been there before. Websites are rated upon things other than most popular, most visited, etc, etc. It's all pretty complex, and I won't go into explaining it, but bottom line, is money.

Would be nice to have such a board, no question, but it wont happen, no money it. Sad but true, such a site would require a great deal of searching and research, something most who come here to get jobs seem incapable of. It is a shame though, would help many, but is not too probable in terms of success. Shame.

#4 Parent Mitch - 2009-01-22
Re: Proulex Guadalajara

I worked for Proulex 2 years ago and I would have to agree with your comments. I think for the most part the teachers were both talented and interested in their students. Yet, the administration was worried about money, money and more money. Proulex is well known for expecting their teachers to be robots and work long long hours. As much as I love teaching, I found myself burnt out after my time with Proulex. I also caution those considering to work for this mill to think again.

#5 Parent The Enlightened One - 2009-01-22
Re: Proulex Guadalajara

Most likely they won't... the will do as many others do and continuously prey on new foreign teachers who are unaware of such problems within that school. I think someone should design a web page generally just for warning about bad schools. I mean there is a review board and such here but I think someone should design and make popular a web page JUST to keep feedback on schools trying to cause problems for good foreign teachers.

We need to design a strong method of making sure none of the GOOD foreign teachers end up in these situations around the world. Bad foreign teachers match up nicely with bad training centers or schools.

Adriana - 2009-01-21
Proulex Guadalajara

This is a warning for all those thinking of working at Proulex in Guadalajara. This may be a good school to get your feet wet in teaching. However, if you are looking for anything else.. BEWARE!!! They are not organized. They burn you out with all the hours they expect you to work. You are treated as a dollar sign and nothing more. You must do as they say or shut up. Communication is non-existent . The pay structure is another thing which has recently changed and nobody has been informed how it works. Teachers have only been told to accept it. They are now managing by fear and many people are looking for new jobs. So, if you are looking for a short term job. fine.. Anything else.. BEWARE... BEWARE... BEWARE... They need to make some major policy changes and hopefully after they lose some of their best teachers they will see this..

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