Return to Index › Looking for a Missing female teacher from UK
#1 Parent Unbelievable - 2005-01-15

I know where the lady is currently and for 50,000 rmb I would be happy to tell you.

#2 Parent Dave - 2005-01-05
Missing English Lady

Has it not occurred to any of you that maybe, JUST maybe, this missing lady might be in serious trouble? Maybe she went out somewhere and has been killed or inured in an accident and left in a ditch somewhere. Or even worse, she could have been picked up by one or more persons unknown and raped and killed.

All the recruiter wants is his money - not a single word of concern for her well-being or safety.


#3 Parent laodeng - 2005-01-03
Bounty Hunter?

Who the hell are you, Lee Joe? And who ever heard of a school's extracting a breech penalty from a recruiter? What you are looking for is a bounty hunter. Don't expect one of us to do your dirty work.

#4 Parent Ferpectly Right - 2005-01-03

Why did she leave?.

Maybe all you want from her is to give her grief over the money you have lost.

Perhaps she was in the wrong, but often schools break contracts and the only way a teacher can go is to leave without saying anything.

Unless we here her side of the story, I urge anyone who does know something to keep quiet.

Lee Joe - 2005-01-02
Looking for a Missing female teacher from UK

Dear Sirs,

This message is posted to looking for a female English teacher from UK. For more information please go on reading:

Name of the teacher: Angela Lewis
Nationality: UK citizen
Date of arrival in China: early September,2004
Mission in China: To teach PH.D writing course
Inviting party: invited by Hua Zhong University of Sceince and Technology,Wu Han city, Hu Bei province, China via assistance of Foreign Expert Bureau of Hu Bei province and Lee Joe.

After her arrival in her inviting university, she only worked there for a month and left the university without leaving a message to the management of the university.Her action caused much trouble to Foreign Expert Bureau of Hu Bei province and my reputation as a reliable agent. We had to pay the breach of contract penalty to the unversity while we offered her assistance and efforts to work in this university.Her action also damaged the image of being a responsible ESL teacher.

Please ask her to write to me if you know her in person.We need her response urgetly.

Thank you for your time.

Lee Joe

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