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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-02-20
Re: Color-Related

I'm missing the music!

Click on the URL below to see what I've been up to in the past.I know you'll approve of it!


#2 Parent Turino - 2009-02-18
Re: Color-Related

I'm glad you've landed yourself a teaching post.As you rightly say,a job's a job.But be wary.The kind of employer who incorporates 'gagging' into employees' contracts may have done so because he has something to fear.Why did he do so?Maybe because he doesn't treat his staff well.
On another note,I liked the music on the link a lot.It's a pity you won't be posting again - I'll miss the improving music!

#3 Parent Longshot Kick Da Bucket - 2009-02-18
Re: Color-Related

Yeah man, black teachers as a rule are treated like second class citizens in China. And I can't see the situation changing significantly for the better for a long time to come. From what I've seen, white teachers here aren't treated right either. But still a great deal better than us. But in some of this country's less developed areas it's possible for blacks to teach, mainly because only a few whites look for jobs there.
I'll not be posting again under this name. You see, one of the clauses of the contract I've just signed forbids me from posting anything regarding my new employer online. But a job's a job!
Click the URL below to see a music video I've selected just for you. I hope it's to your liking. So long, folks.


#4 Parent Li Bai - 2009-02-17
Re: Color-Related

Not speaking for all Black teachers, but I know a lot of us have had to put up with the racial B.S. Everything from not being hired to being hired and treated like dog s--t. Just because we are Black, went to America to be slaves and don't know how to speak English (Chinese opinions). Not to forget that we all look alike, all of us can sing and dance and are a constant barrel of laughs who should not mind being disrespected - (they didn't mean it) (don't be so sensitive) etc etc.. (the rest of the bunch)

But, and there is always a but... the times they are a changin'. More schools are now turning to their BLACK teachers to repair damage, as in bad reputations, caused by that other group. As they bleed red ink all over the balance sheets, they come to us with a plea to remove the rusty blade so deeply imbedded in their entrails by the trusted white foreign "friends."

How many of you Black male teachers got that slap up side the head for not holding a door for a woman? And if you were lucky it was a slap, and not a wet dish cloth. Now that hurts!! But we learned our lesson (I only needed one - my brother took three) and we do hold doors and show other kinds of respect - to everyone.

These schools now need us to open the door for "good teachers", tell the interested ones that all is right within, and hold their little hands after we show them where to sign the contract. Every time I hear this story I want to rewrite some lines - "I want you, I need you but there ain't no way I'm ever gonna love you. Now don't be sad, 'cause two out of three ain't bad." Should be, "I want you, I need you and I'm gonna pay you a lot more money." The reader can add the appropriate rhyming line. May be stretching it a bit, but it IS possible this a positive Barack side effect.

Seems that some of those white chickens have come home to roost and the Chinese are finding they look better in the soup pot (heads, feet and all) instead of in the class room. I once told my employer that we (Blacks and Chinese) had a lot in common. (meaning the crap we had to put up with from SOME white teachers). Not true Li Bai, not true!! But when thay had to call me in on my day off to teach a kindy demo class because the chosen one wanted to "kill the little (profanity) it was the best class of my life. They had no idea what I was laughing at (him sitting outside staring off into space), but they laughed right along with me. Kiddies happy, parents happy, school gets contract so they are happy and I'm the best teacher in the world. (Yes, I got paid for it too, so I was happy(ier).

Until the next time .....

#5 Parent Longshot Kick Da Bucket - 2009-02-17
Re: Color-Related

Thank you, my friend. I'll try Yuncheng IELTS. Maybe they'll give me a go!
I'm sorry you didn't like the ska song I posted.
OK, try the URL below. Maybe it'll be to your liking.Hope so,really!Ska's the best music around! Give it a listen.
Thanks again, friend.


#6 Parent Turino - 2009-02-17
Re: Color-Related

Check out the website below.I've taught for that company,so I know for a fact that there are rather a lot of non-white FT's teaching on behalf of said recruiter.But you should apply at once.The new middle school semester in Yuncheng will start soon if it hasn't already done so.Just an average job at best,but a job's a job!Good luck with your application if you decide to apply.
By the way,I can't say in all honesty that I enjoyed the ska track very much.Obviously our tastes in music differ.

Longshot Kick Da Bucket - 2009-02-16

Hey man, what's up with the heads of Chinese schools? Non-white applicants for ESL posts are by and large rejected out of hand on account of skin color. It's an unfortunate fact. For reading this post, I've a special treat for you, click on the URL below. Hope u enjoy!


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