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#1 Parent The Enlightened One - 2009-02-25
Re: EPA, English Prep ACADEMY, Myung-il dong, Seoul

My god, what a conglomerate of corruption and filth!

Thank goodness you have those savings funds; I can imagine that you may not be here to post that message if otherwise. That's what I am talking about in my previous post when I say "NEVER go to another country without a solid, financial back-up plan." I empathize with your situation; I can't sympathize because nothing that extreme has happened to me. So I can only imagine.


#2 Parent Theo - 2009-02-24
Re: EPA, English Prep ACADEMY, Myung-il dong, Seoul

Turnoi, I realize your question regarding the US Embassy is directed to the OP, but please allow me to add some information regarding my experience with the US Embassy in South Korea. I became seriously ill and my hagwon refused to take me to the hospital. My students took me to a hospital, but as my insurance was limited, I could not remain in that hospital for the SIX weeks (or more) that they projected for treatment and recovery. I was transferred to another hospital where I was misdiagnosed and mistreated (medically and physically -- bed-ridden for one month and NEVER washed, etc.).

I was contacted by the US Embassy who claimed they would help me leave South Korea. They stated that I needed to give them time to arrange for a medical team to meet me at the airport in the U.S. In the end, NONE of this happened. I had to empty my savings, purcahse a ticket and my students helped arrange transportation from the horrible "hospital" in Seoul to Inchoen airport -- all things promised by the US Embassy, but never provided.

The US Emabssy faxed a document to me in the hospital that I would sign for relase of my medical records to the medical team in the U.S. The Korean hospital refused to comply and NEVER released the records (for fear of embarrassment I suppose). Not only was the hospital NOT admonished by the Embassy, but the hospital chairman staged a "tour" of the hospital and told a bunch of lies about my treatment/condition there that they fully believed. I was moved from my filthy bed (linens never changed for one month) to a private, clean room for the sake of the "tour." DISGUSTING!

The rep from the Us Embassy was herself Korean, and therefore sided with the hospital rather than invesigate any of my claims. It was truly the most disgusting experience of my life!

By the time I arrived at the hospital in the U.S. my condition was so advanced that surgery was fruitless. Doctors tell me that my recovery will take the rest of my life.

Also, during the time I was in the Korean "hospital," the hagwon cancelled my E2 visa which made me Illegal during the time I was hospitalized.

I hope people with avoid taking ESl work in South Korea. The E2 visa is used to control a teacher, and if the school does not honor the contract (which they don't) the teacher cannot resign and legally seek work with another employer. Because of this restiction, hagwons can bascially get away with anything they want to do, because the teacher's only recourse is to leave South Korea -- even though they have not violated the terms of the contract.

Stay out of South Korea!

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