Return to Index › Need info on Chifeng city Yingcai School
#1 Parent Mike - 2005-01-18
Yingcai School, Chifeng

Hi Nicky,

Thanks for the advice. However, the trust between us has been broken and therefore, I can't work here anymore. I just want to get away now, I have a new job down in the south of China. The only thing I want to do is make as many people as possible aware of the School's conduct to ensure that they don't have the same experiences as me.

#2 Parent Nicky - 2005-01-15
To Mike

Mike, didn't you get an original invitation letter from the Foreign Affairs Office? Why didn't you go there to complain?

#3 Parent Mike - 2005-01-15
Yingcai School

I have just left the School along with all of the other teachers. This is because the School has told us that they will change our contracts next semester (although they run until July). Under the new agreement our wages will be almost halved, the end of year bonus will be massively reduced, and we must start paying for our apartments.

We have been told 'sign or leave', so I'm off! I wish that I'd have paid heed to all of the warnings on the net.

Amy - 2004-11-12
Need info on Chifeng city Yingcai School

Does someone has information on that School?

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