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#1 Parent bethanael - 2005-01-20

Dear Teachers[white,black,brown or what have you?]
I read all your comments&I really feel so sad,about your experiences in your teaching in CHINA.I'm not a teacher myself,but just like the rest,I also have difficulty finding job in china,because I'm not white&I'm not a native english speaker.I've been to Africa,Asia&Europe,but CHINA is the worst,if you are white,you are treated here like a KING!!!YOU ARE JUDGE ACCORDING TO YOUR COLOR&TONGUE,NOT IN YOUR CAPABILITIES!!!!!

#2 Parent Guy - 2005-01-12
What a GREAT GREAT CHINA 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hello again Folks,

Good to be here with you guys again.Lucy and all the others who are taking time to appreciate "WHAT A GREAT CHINA", I give you all a millitary salute.
Now Dos says my making mention of the "Native Laowais" was either an oxymoron or better still,I was simply being sacarstic???My dear Dos,open your eyes,if you really came to this China for the ultimate sake of teaching.
I see many things,dear Dos,things that have frequently moved me to the point of tears for what seems to be an eternity.Folks get here with a great desire to teach,but schools recruit them with a great desire to milk parents dry.This is a very simple chemical reaction;the parents are crazy about Native Laowais and the recruiters are crazy about Get-Me-Rich-quick,so there is a rat race of nefarious balancing of equations going on.
The recruiters get the schools to put some native laowais on parade,this instantly catches the impression of the parents who then pay what it takes for their children to get into the schools on cue.
End result,are our dear Chinese children really learning?Are our dear Chinese parents reaping what they sow?

To be continued...

#3 Parent Julie Zhang - 2005-01-10
It's ok

> Mr Observer,

> If you HATE to say it, why say it?

> If you think Julie was overpaid in earning
> 1400rmb per month ,then do you believe the Germans at her school are
> worthy of their wages?

No, problem Gary . Mr observer can critical of my English. I'm not ashame of of that,the truth is that I'm proud and stand tall amongst the millions of English learners in China and the rest of the world. The one that should be ashameful- is he himself.

How many of his students are able to hold a candle towards me-"A Non-English major" .

I got my BA in Business from a country where English is not their native but first language. Furthermore, I did not have the liberty of being taught by a Native English Speaker throughout my schooling days >:-( .

He should count himself lucky and appreciate countries wanting to learn English for communication purposes. If it is not for this fact, he could possibly be busing dishes somewhere back in his home country.

#4 Parent Gary Jia la bi - 2005-01-10
Why say it?

> I hate to say it, JULIE, but your own command of English strongly
> suggests that whatever YOU were being paid to teach English, you were
> overpaid.

Mr Observer,

If you HATE to say it, why say it?

If you think Julie was overpaid in earning
1400rmb per month ,then do you believe the Germans at her school are worthy of their wages?

Why is it necessary for you to nitpick,and find fault with her English?If you have a problem with her message ,rather than her grammer,then why don't you address that instead .

Maybe you're sore because you've discovered that not all Chinese women will kiss your ## just bacause it's a white one!!

Or maybe you don't like her making a stand against discrimation ,and supporting a black man.

If that's your problem ,get to the point man ,and stop beating around the bush!!!

#5 Parent frustrated! - 2005-01-10
don't do that!

Don't bother emailing them back with grammar advice. I did that to an "applicant" whose application letter was even worse than the one you recieved, and I was labeled a member of the KKK and still reciecve death threats from the idiot!

#6 Parent Observer - 2005-01-09
Re: Underpaid?

I hate to say it, JULIE, but your own command of English strongly suggests that whatever YOU were being paid to teach English, you were overpaid.

#7 Parent Dos - 2005-01-09
Native Laowai

Well done Julie, I salute your actions. I wish your boss(es) had your integrity.

Your little story highlights why schools want native speakers. Obviously they want qualified natives, but again obviously there are a lot of crappy native teachers out there. The answer isn't, I am sorry to say, to hire non-natives, but to improve checks and conditions and hire qualified teachers.

Before I am hate-posted to death, let me say that I have recruited several non-native speakers in my time at my current school (both times after arguing with my boss). Whilst one was a good teacher, the other isn't, but the POINT IS I can't give them advanced classes because their English isn't good enough. They make mistakes (as per Julie's post) and the advanced students pick up on these.
Now this is no reflection on their teaching skills, there are bad and good native and non native teachers, and both these teachers were/are popular and did well with lower level classes.
I still can't hire non-white teachers, but that is for China to sort out, I have given up arguing about this, I am not going to win. :-(

Let me just say something else. This forum is littered with posts slagging off teachers in China. Now I *know* there are bad teachers here (both native, non-native, black, brown, white etc) BUT there are also a whole heap of GOOD, QUALIFIED teachers. I know many more of this latter group than the former, mainly because the former get moved on after a while.
My school only hires qualified teachers, with degrees (which is something I actually disagree with at times) and a TEFL.

Now then, Guy. Laowai means foreigner, so your are a laowai as well, and 'native laowai' is an oxymoron, but I understood what you meant.

Here is an actual job application I received from a Nigerian. (One of about 50 I get everytime I post an ad, despite saying I won't reply to them). This is a bit of an extreme example, but it isn't uncommon! :

"just from xxxx i now apply for a position in ur school.I gonna be happy to teach in ur schoolif u gonna give me the chance ok.If u need me i can then forward my ducs to u ok."

Good txt English, but hardly a wonderful example of an application letter! I won't be employing this person, though I will be sending them a reply telling them how to improve their chances of employment!!

Happy new years everyone (Laowai and Chinese new years).


#8 Parent Julie Zhang - 2005-01-09

> Greetings Julie. Did you feel that you were underpaid?
> Matt :)

I'm just a local chinese English teacher and I do not expect to get paid like some White non-native teachers employed by our school to rip off our ignorant students and their parents. Whatever that is, to me teaching is history as far as I'm concern.

#9 Parent Julie Zhang - 2005-01-09
Thanks Alex

> Sorry to remind you that there is a place also called Munich in North
> Dakota in the United States. Please check if the couple were from the
> States, or Germany, before jumping to any conclusions.
> Alex Wu

Thanks Alex, the fact is that both of them are German pasport holders and I did mentioned that during one of their observed lesson, "When one of my student aked where Munich is that id##t said "Europe, Munich is in Germany".
It's a shame, our schools in China are just going after the monetary reward and not the welfare of student's education.

#10 Parent esl in asia - 2005-01-09
Thanks for standing up for what is right

You are a good person indeed....a very good person. Thank you so much for that post and I wish you a happy Spring holiday!!

#11 Parent Chunping Alex Wu - 2005-01-09
Munich, N. Dakota/ Germany?

Dear Julie:

You have my sympathy. I was born a Chinese, too. In the last 25 years, I had been qualified and certified in Canada as an English for Second Language Teacher and several other subjects. But after my retirement, I meant to help my people back home in improving their language skills and then found most of the schools were looking for "White, native English speakers". Some even shamelessly claimed for "White, Caucasian", I felt so awful. I myself had never been taught by an English Native speaker in the English learning process. I respect my teachers just the same. Though their pronunciation were poor, but I managed to have it improved by imitating from all sorts of media. It's really sad to see the silvery money wasted and no apparent results by hiring all those foreigners. I believe that you'll be a good English teacher, too.

Sorry to remind you that there is a place also called Munich in North Dakota in the United States. Please check if the couple were from the States, or Germany, before jumping to any conclusions.
Alex Wu

#12 Parent Matt E. - 2005-01-09
1400 rmb

Greetings Julie. Did you feel that you were underpaid?
Matt :)

#13 Parent Julie Zhang - 2005-01-09
Sad really sad

I wonder when all these nonsense about hiring whites is going to stop. I am a new teacher, the middle school where was teaching got rid of our American couple because the poor lady's husband is Black. Our authorities told them that they do not want to hire a non-white - after 2 months of teaching. Both decided to leave and are now teaching in a nearby University.

What makes it more disappointing for me is that they employed another couple from Germany and appointed me their co-teacher. They keep telling everyone that they are Americans. When did Munich became a part of USA? What's worse is that I can hardly understand their English, they have got such a heavy German accent. When I asked my students what they have learned from the present teachers all of them said German's English.

This is what I heard when we observed one of their lessons.

Good Morning, we name is Oliver and she my wife Gretel. I and Gretel are Americans. We are born in Munich and still living in there 35 years.

When one of my student aked where Munich is, that id##t said "Europe, Munich is in Germany".

After their lesson, I took over and my students asked me this "Where about in America is Europe and Germany "?. I had to tell my students the truth and show them where Munich is on the map.

Words got around and now every students knew they are not Americans.Through another English teacher-they complained to my headmaster, and I was hauled into his office and told to shut up. I told him that I did no wrong, but he refused to listen to me and I walked out of his office returning half an hour later with my resignation letter. I left the school and my pay(1400rmb) for the month of December was docked. It's the way the system work in my country. As for me,I can live with that..it's not the money but a matter of principal and pride.

So please, all you foreign teachers out there do not complain. You're not the only one suffering. WE local teachers are in no better position than you are in. Well,I have decided not to set foot into teaching, ever again in my very own China.

To all you teachers out there, have fun teaching in my country's wacky teaching system. As for me, I'm going to head back to the country where I spent my University days after the Spring holidays.
Happy Spring Festival go all you folks.

#14 Parent sm = simple mind - 2005-01-08
For the 64,000 time

> is high time the ESL teacher recriters realised what an ENGLISH TEACHER should be!

Don't like recruiters, then apply straight to schools. ie. don't like your tv channels, change the channel, change the music of your radio, change, change--------- Are you too lazy to do these small things? how in this world are you going to handle life in a new country and teaching children? perhaps the problem is that you don't like yourself.

#15 Parent Lucy - 2005-01-08
You are great Guy!

It is high time the Natives learned how to teach English from Non-Natives Qualified,Experienced holders of University Degrees !It is high time the ESL teacher recriters realised what an ENGLISH TEACHER should be!

Guy - 2005-01-08
What a great China!!!!!!!!!

Hello Folks,isn't China great?I mean,the whole nation is now beautifully coloured with Native Laowais(as though it were a painting scenery).
Recruitments or job placements in China now have been strategically and systematically reserved for Native Laowais.Woe betide you if you are not a native Laowai.
All the schools now want only Native Speakers!What a scenery of sublime optical illussions!!How great it is in the year 2005?Have you watched the CBA games these days? Most of the Chinese teams have even began to recruit Native Basket ball Players.Isn't this wonderful?

Go for a visit to Shanghai PuDong airport and enjoy the teachnological wonders about the MagLev train.You know what?It was installed by Native German technicians.
You've been filling in for a teaching placement all this while and you just can't get it?Well take some time off to check how "NATIVE" you really are first,then try again.Don't cry,it's a millenium discovery;working with NATIVES.

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