Return to Index › Teaching in Korea with medical issue?
#1 Parent couldn't keep quiet - 2009-03-09
Re: Teaching in Korea with medical issue?

CDC (Center for Disease Control,US) as long as you have been treated correctly, asymptomatic with negative CXR (chest x-ray, current with in the last 6 months) together with the certification from your health care provider, then you are ok. If you came from Asia, chances are, you were vaccinated with BCG in the past. This would always show positive for TB skin test. I do not know how is the law in Korea about this. email the Korean Embassy whatever country you are.

#2 Parent Kris - 2009-03-06
Re: Teaching in Korea with medical issue?

Also, I contacted the New York Embassy over a week ago about this and I am still waiting for a response.

Kris - 2009-03-06
Teaching in Korea with medical issue?

I am wondering if having Inactive TB that was already treated would prevent me from getting a teaching position in Korea? Even if treated is still shows up on the skin test.

I have looked for this information all over and can't find anything. If anyone here knows the answer please respond.



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