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#1 Parent Turino - 2009-04-24
Re: Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"

Recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester" is clearly yet another of a growing band of shysters operating within the EFL industry in China.If you must use this conman to get a job,tread warily in all of your dealings with him.
Take nothing,I should emphasise absolutely nothing,for granted,or else you'll be taken for a ride.

#2 Parent Alexander - 2009-04-24
Re: Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"

The contract that he will send you online is not the same as the contract the school will eventually make you sign.
I was promised a nice big western style apartment.
Instead, I had to spend 3 hours scrubbing a filthy little hovel that had a sewage problem and leaking hot water.
When they say free internet, don't think that's a free computer as well. You will probably just get a dial-up connection.
They say the school will pay for everything... yet I still had to pay for another medical, and also for taxis and buses to and from schools, (even though the contract says the school provides transport.)
When i confronted the school with these issues, they just laughed and said that Chris Johnson/Lester, just says anything to get his commission for getting you signed up and shipped out to China.
You should research Harbin as well, it is freezing cold, and very isolated.
Mate, just trying to give you a heads up, coz when you get there it's too late. I would suggest that you go into China and find a school yourself. You can negotiate your price, and probably get accommodation too if you can bargain with them. Remember that Chinese are extremely shrewd and thrifty businesspeople, and most of the time you will just represent a walking money tree... try to talk to some other teachers and see where they are teaching....don't ever rely on the word of a recruiter...trust me...don't take a chance with China, every picture they paint you is grossly exaggerated. Good luck mate....just research. Put the time into finding a good school and it will be worth it.

#3 Parent chris ribeiro - 2009-04-23
Re: Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"

Any more info for Chris Lester..............are we talking about the same guy? I was contacted by a recruiter for a position in Harbin by the same name. Any specifics as to why he should be avoided?


#4 Parent Roy - 2009-03-12
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

Any way, my explaination is correct. I do not want any foreign teacher will be misled. If the employee really want to termante his contract for some reason, 30 days notice is generally accepted by most emlpoyers( maybe some employers require 2 0r 3 months notice). so it is unnecessary to escape (or said as leave without school knowing).

#5 Parent Turino - 2009-03-11
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

The style in which your post has been written and its spelling leads me to the conclusion that English is not your mother tongue.I hope I'm right!

#6 Parent ROY - 2009-03-11
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

If the school you signed contract with reports to police that some one had commited crime and has evidence as a proof. I think the china special police internet is very efficient. The person will be stoped 100% at customs. In this case the person may lose chance to have his future visa to enter the contry.

#7 Parent Turino - 2009-03-10
Re: Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"

Alexander, are you sure it's called 'Bekerley Global Education'?
I'd have thought it would be more likely to be called 'Berkeley Global Education'.
Strange name, Bekerley, I've never come across it before.
Maybe you need to alter the thread heading!

#8 Parent Dr Rock - 2009-03-10
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

Customs cannot and will not stop you. You can casually walk away at any time. Contracts do not hold water, and are simply a tool to make you feel pressure to stay. Just go, if you must. I am speaking from direct experience.

#9 Parent Alexander - 2009-03-10
Warning: Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing, recruiter "Chris Johnson" or "Chris Lester"

The only good thing about coming to China, was that there are genuine people here who do actually have some heart...
Also, it's great to meet other teachers from all over the world.
As i begin to plan my great escape with all the great tips from my friends here,,, just wondering... is there anyplace in the world that is worth the effort to go and teach english in??
Before i go... I would like to warn you all about Bekerley Global Education in Chongqing. Also the recruiter posing as Chris Johnson, or Chris Lester.
Don't entertain any offers from these guys...
There was a group of other teachers who started with me, but they got shipped out to the province... perhaps they have some tales to tell as well...
Anyway, China is not for me... I'm heading back to the Philippines were the sky is blue, the sun is warm, and the people are even warmer.
And they speak english!!!
Thanks for all your advice... good luck guys... you need it in China huh...

#10 Parent Turino - 2009-03-09
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

I feel for you.
It may be of little consolation,but you're neither the first nor the last FT to be used and abused by a rogue Chinese recruiter.
If I were in your shoes,I'd do a runner on Friday evening after class.By doing so,the chances are your absence won't come to light until Monday morning,by which time you'll have been able to exit the country.The only way you'd have trouble at the airport would be if your employer via the foreign affairs office in Chongqing managed to contact airport customs before you had exited the country - highly unlikely if you leave China without unnecessary delay.
Good luck - you certainly deserve it!

#11 Parent GreenSmurf - 2009-03-09
Re: Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

No, you won't be stopped at customs, this is not the police state people in the west seem to think it is. I mean, in some ways it is, but not this one.

Consequently, if your school lied than you can leave, because it means the broke the contract, yes? Whatever the case, they can't do anything whatsoever. Trust me on this, just leave, nothing at all will happen.

The school could try and get you blacklisted, which would make finding legal work in China in the future difficult, however it may only apply to that particular province.

You're free to leave whenever you like, and no one will stop you, and nothing bad will happen, just don't tell the school. Might be wise to leave at say midnight, and if your plane don't leave until the next day, get a motel room somewhere. Don't leave during the day though, schools have been known, on rare occasion, to try and stop a teacher.

There you go, all you need to know, well, maybe not all, all being a broad word, but certainly enough. Get the hell out of dodge my boy, you'll be fine ;)

#12 Parent Alexander - 2009-03-09
Leaving without the school knowing: Can Customs stop me at the airport?

can any of my fellow teachers please advise me:
I have signed a contract with a company in Chongqing. They have lied to me about most things such as my apartment, working conditions, and the list goes on.
I am in a living nightmare here. I want to fly out of the country as soon as possible, back to Melbourne, Australia. Please advise me if i will be stopped by customs when i go to board my plane? I have my proper Visa in my passport, and everything is in order. The only exception is that I am leaving the company without telling them, and whilst still under contract.
Can anyone stop me at the airport?
Please...no jokes...this is very serious. Thanks guys.

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