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#1 Parent couldn't keep quiet - 2009-03-09
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued

To modelteacher: So based on your belief, I could encourage our maintenance man who did not finish high school, just took GED (US)but having english as his native tongue, to go to China and apply for any teaching position, especially teaching ESL? Is that how education in China is? No wonder when some Chinese grad nurses come in US and take NCLEX-RN/PN exam, most fail the boards, some take at least 3x or more to pass the boards. Or I could suggest to our school driver( who is a high school grad) to buy a teaching diploma and/or transcript and apply to teach in China.But he would not do it because of the money ($). Goodluck, Mr./Ms Model Teacher. You probably could start your own school and hire those "so-so instructors like dressmakers, beauticians, drivers, barbers,etc. How long have you been in the profession by the way?

#2 Parent scholar - 2009-03-09
Re: A university hired 3 teachers without degree, Z visas issued

Scholar, you have not provided the entire, real truth in your post, and if this is true, then this is really "unscholarly-like"!
Stop lamenting on other FT`s low educational profile here, and look at yourself first!

Turnoi: Your summations are flawed. Nor have I lamented other FT's 'low educational profiles' in any of my posts following the OP's original post. You consistently turn upon other posters when their opinions differ from your perception, with it seems, the aim of creating a slanging match by using quite unnecessary invective. Why is that ?
Not having been in China for a good few years, perhaps you are not so qualified to offer your ever present 'wisdom' on what goes on here and what does not.

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