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#1 Parent Jack Kanoi - 2005-01-22
New Times International

Though recruiters are a strict no-no I have seen a few good things said about this one.
My personal experience with this set-up is a big nought as they haven't even bothered to respond to my application. That, however, maybe the case because of rooted prejudices that seem to be getting more strongly entrenched of late. I'm not 'white' . (New Times, care to respond?)
Visas - I have never had problems getting my 'l' or tourist visas converted to 'z' visas and to that extent the claims made are right. At least, that's the situation if you're hired by a university.
Hope this helps.
Good luck with your job search!

#2 Parent DOS - 2005-01-21
Not necessarily *Moderators please look too*

Schools quite often can change a visitors' visa into a Z class visa in China. Whilst this is slowly getting harder to do, with some provinces stopping this practice, it is still fairly common.
The important thing to remember is that they shouldn't send your passport out of the province. You can only get a visa for the province you are in, in the province you are in.
However, check with the other teachers there if you can and make sure they have a Z-Class visa. Some schools say they can, but really they can't.
The Z class visa shouldn't take long to do, though they will need your passport they shouldn't have it for more than a week, two at most.
YOU should keep your Z-class visa when they get it. Don't let the school con you into thinking they should keep it. You also need it to leave the country, so don't go without it, or you will be in big trouble when you try to leave!
Get these things in writing before you go!!!!!!!

Moderators/board admin: How about a *sticky* post for visa questions? I would be happy to write a guide for China.

Newbie - 2005-01-20
Familiar with New Times International?

Does anyone have experience with the New Times International recruitment service based in Shijiazhuang (www.teachinchina.cn)? The representative has taken care to answer my questions thoroughly, and according to their claims they seem to take good care of the teachers, but I would love to hear from someone with first-hand experience. They offer to pick the teacher up at Beijing, take care of their transportation to their offices in Shijiazhuang, provide room and board there until the teacher selects which of their schools they would prefer, then take care of all visa paperwork, medical, etc.

The part I'm skeptical about is the fact that they prefer to wait until the teacher has arrived before getting the Z visa. They said it is easier and faster that way, but someone else told me that you must leave China and go to a consulate in order to secure a Z visa. Is that true?

Thanks for any insight!

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