Return to Index › China: What can I expect?
#1 Parent Turino - 2009-03-11
Re: What can I expect?

You might well be suitably qualified to 'teach' at a junior middle school or a mediocre senior middle school on behalf of a company like Yuncheng IELTS.Undoubtedly you'll be an attractive proposition for that kind of recruiter on account of your skin colour.But you should also be a good entertainer in class.Teaching English comes second,so don't worry about that.Playing games and clowning around with a perpetual smile on your face to keep the kids amused is what's needed.Then you can be happy at work and be able to afford delicious Sichuan dishes and cheap beer to wash it down every day after class and at weekends.

Paul - 2009-03-10
China: What can I expect?

Hello :)

After getting back to Europe from China I started to miss it almost instantly. Now, after few months, I am looking at possible chances to get back there. Going as a teachers looks like the best idea, but I'm not really sure if it would work for me. During my stay in China I met several people that worked as English teachers and I must say, but never thought about asking them for details. The funny thing was that their English knowledge was very very poor [like one guy from Zimbabwe, that had really bad spelling and I bet English was 2nd or 3rd language for him]. I also met a girl from Korea that finished English major at university in Seoul and all she could say was "Hi, my name is ..." :) I don't think that even one of teachers I met there had any experience in that field, or anything that would prepare them for that. Is it normal thing? Or did I meet examples of some low-paid people that probably got screwed later?

Anyway, getting to the point - what could I expect if I decided to go to China as a teacher? My situation is like that:
- I'm not a native speaker [but used it more often that my first language in last years]
- I'm not from an English-speaking country [but hey, I'm white and from Europe :) I also have US "green card", but no passport]
- I know some Chinese [spent half a year learning it in Xi'An, improving it all the time now]
- I don't have any university degree [yet :)]
- my only experience is teaching 1 on 1
- I have CAE [really old] certificate, could do BEC [or even Proficiency] easily in May, if it helps

I am now getting a degree in computer science, but I could switch to online learning, which would require coming to my country two times a year for exams. I'd be willing to work 1-3 years in China [mostly for the food :) especially sichuan... Oh, and playing badminton every day :)]. So can I expect anything fair with that? If yes, what's the next step [most of ads I've seen ask for "native speaker with bachelor's degree"]?


[Edited by Administrator (admin) Sat, 14 May 2011, 03:12 AM]

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