Return to Index › Why do schools Hide info? (I don't get it.)
#1 Parent The Enlightened One - 2009-03-12
Re: Why do schools Hide info? (I don't get it.)

The reason is quite simple, they are dumb. They have no real coherent though of their own. All there logic was copied or stolen from another idiot, that at least has the brainpower to create a process even if it is insanely stupid.

Trying to understand them is like hittind your head against the wall.

Extremely painful, worthless, and leaves you with a massive headache.

Ignoring them is much more efficient.


#2 Parent couldn't keep quiet - 2009-03-08
Re: Why do schools Hide info? (I don't get it.)

I agree with you. I had worked for 22 years from the bottom ,and often times ,some people in HR do not know how to give the right vital info. Some just follow blindly what is being told to them which is really irritating. Robots. They lack sensitivity and "common sense". Some think and feel that they are "God", could not be questioned because they are in the position. You want the job, take it depending on their terms. If they could get it for free, they would do it. In my opinion, that is the difference working in an advance country vs third world (some are still backward and may need further exposure). In the US, the applicants have the right to grievance to the management on how the interview process went along, and give feedbacks on how the company could change their process with no offense. But of course this is just my opinion. I am speaking for myself only.

GreenSmurf - 2009-03-08
Why do schools Hide info? (I don't get it.)

After some months of rigorous job hunting, I have found that for no reason that makes any plausible sense that schools start off hiding the most essential information we as teachers need to know in order to decide if we even want the job.

It happened with a good half of the jobs I applied for. Look at advertisement, no information, often not even a school name, certainly no mention of salary, number of classes, nothing. respond to the ad, simply asking for pay and class number, response is "We want your CV, then we will tell you everything you need to know."

Now I don't get it, how exactly am I supposed to have interest in your school if I don't know anything about it, and why would I apply when you are so evasive?

This is just something I don't get. If I am looking at job ad's, and see an ad that is vague, ambiguous, and gives no information, I'm likely going to A, move on, or B, ask the poster the information I want. If they evade my questions in any way, I will move on. I mean really, how is the pay, work hours, things like that some sort of secret?

It seems like their is some general principle that compels schools to feel a need to hide any and everything, no matter how minute it may be. From my point of view, this information is essential, and it makes me rather suspicious when some school owner refuses to share what the job even pays unless I send him all of my personal information first. What, do I have to pay to get a peek? I mean really, truly absurd if you ask me.

How hard it is for schools to understand that you don't hide essential details, in fact, the more details the better, and the more professional you will seem if you post them.

I can't for the life of me help thinking what idiots some of these folks are for leaving out any and everything, and expecting people to have interest. besides those who are extremely curious, most people are going to just pass these posters by, whether it is a quality job or not. I mean really, how would anybody know?

Why do so many schools placer so many ad's completely lacking information?

Could be that they believe only those who are "really interested" will answer. That's rather circular logic though, I find such thinking to be more counter productive.

Could be a control thing, a way to give themselves an edge in bargaining, who knows. All I know is that, whenever I see such an advertisement, I usually just pass it by, or ask via email, and if they won't answer, for whatever reason, I don't even bother responding.

Am I wrong, or is it just really really stupid to be so secretive about details that are in truth the most essential?

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