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#1 Parent joker - 2009-03-14
Re: What can I expect?

Would you say that this is typical of the way Chinese students are punished?


Take a look around the whole site when you're there and you might just change your mind about the way Chinese students think.
My experience is that many are FAR more intelligent and know much more about what is happening in/to their lives than we give them credit for. Once they trust you they will talk about every aspect of China including what they see as the faults whether thats the corruption, the guanxi system or bad teachers both Chinese and foriegn.


#2 Parent Roy - 2009-03-13
Re: What can I expect?

In old China, it was quite popular and widely accepted that a teacher punish his students for their faults or laziness. At present, the physical penalty may cause judicial prosecution.

Refering to the performance of American teachers in China, I need to insert an assessment. most american teachers are civilized, hard working, esay going and well respected, besides, there still some US holly spirits who feel very proud of being American teachers in China. They think they are not only native American English speakers but also the person to save Chinese. That is why they like to say "hi,I come to help you Chinese, you should be this, should be that.." some one American teachers even try teaching other foreign colleagues how to fight aginst Chinese employer for their extra right and benefit with out thinking whether this is beyond employemnt contract or feasible. The fact should be that before their arrival in China,they should understand People's Republic of China is a country far and undoubtedly different from United States of America.

The international manner fo foreign teachers should be cooperative and compatible.

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