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#1 Parent ROY - 2009-03-17
Re: Normal Procedure in China

Absolutely, your are under abnormal situation. It is accepted that a teacher has his/ her probation for 1-3 months as the begaining of employement. But I would like to suggest that in stead of "teach to sign", the employee should insist on "sign to teach". Otherwise, you will be on the losing side when conflicts happen.

#2 Parent China Old Hand - 2009-02-08
Re: Normal Procedure in China

It's normal procedure. No need to panic unless your stay in China is nearing 30 days. The poster 'Turino' knows what he's on about. If your school has already gone to the trouble of obtaining a letter of invitation for you, which was subsequently approved by the provincial authority, and with which you got your Z visa, you needn't worry. They're not about to dispense with you unless your teaching is well below average.
But if you're teaching with an L or an F visa, you could be vulnerable - as far as I know, you can no longer replace either by a Z in HK. That would make you highly dependent on your employer's 'special relationship', which probably wouldn't continue to be used to benefit you should your teaching disappoint him at any time. What's more, your contract isn't worth the paper it's written on. Even worse, if you are found out to be teaching illegally by the immigration department, you will be fined 5000 Yuan and given 10 days to leave the country; he'll be fined a great deal more for having employed you, and will maybe lose his right to employ foreign teachers.

#3 Parent Turino - 2009-02-07
Re: Normal Procedure in China

I think you've probably arrived in China on a Chinese Z visa.It is only good for entry to the country for the purpose of working here legally.It can get you a residence permit,which is compulsory for those with that kind of visa provided that your signed teaching contract is submitted to the local Public Security Bureau along with your foreign experts' certificate and passport.But if this is not done within 30 days of your entering this country,your Z visa will be downgraded to an L visa.You'll then be able to get a 10-day L visa,allowing you enough time to exit the country without being fined for overstaying - 500 Yuan/day up to a ceiling of 5000 Yuan. Please bear this in mind at all times.
As for your lack of contract,don't worry about it unless 23 days or so have elapsed from the date you enterd the country and it's still not forthcoming.In China it's commonplace to be in your situation as employers here are rather inefficient or like to do the necessary administrative work for the 2 or 3 foreign teachers at your school at one time rather than for each foreigner one by one.
And the fact that your head of department hasn't spoken to you about your demo lesson yet means nothing - remember 'no news is good news' in this context.I reckon your demo was at least average;if below average,you'd have surely heard about that at the time.
I've been in the same situation as you have at least 6 times.Each time I got my contract before the deadline.But if you're not good at teaching,you could have a problem.

Newbie EFL teacher - 2009-02-05
Normal Procedure in China

I've come to China recently to teach EFL and have been teaching full-time at a middle school for almost a week. But I haven't been given a teaching contract to sign yet.
Yesterday the head of the English department observed me teaching a lesson. But she has not given me any feedback up to now regarding how she thinks I taught.
I'm rather worried because I don't know for certain if I'll be offered a teaching contract.
But back home in England a teacher wouldn't be allowed to commence teaching full-time until he has signed his contract.
I'd like to know if what has happened to me so far is normal procedure in China or not.I'd welcome some advice. Thanks in advance.

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