Return to Index › Re: General help with hours of work, China
#1 Parent Turino - 2009-03-22
Re: General help with hours of work, China

In fact,every teaching contract in China that I've signed has either stipulated that I must first get permission from my employer before taking a second teaching post offered to me elsewhere, or that I am forbidden to teach elsewhere.
That means that FT's who have signed such contracts,and then secretly teach on the side are cheats.If they disagree with the clauses of their contracts,they should not sign on the dotted line.Not only are they cheating their principal employers,but also the taxman!

#2 Parent Jerome - 2009-03-22
Re: General help with hours of work, China

Be quite careful about accepting side work. In fact, the PSB made it quite clear to the university where I worked for over 8,000 kwai that side work by FTs would not be tolerated and could result in serious consequences such as heavy fines and being kicked out of China.

Newbies beware! Before considering side work in China, be sure to contact your local PSB or IED office so that you'll know exactly how the rules are being interpreted in that province. What can happen and what has happened is that some teachers will accept a low paying position because they believe they can pad their salary with off campus work. In some cases this is true - in others not so true.

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.
Marcus Aurelius

#3 Parent John latimer - 2009-03-20
Re: General help with hours of work, China

In this case I must agree with you. Anyone can make over 8,000rmb per month if they are willing to take on side work. This is true in any city I have worked so far, but on the flip side it's a quick trip to burn out! As you mention,anyone coming to China to make money "teaching" is only kidding themselves.

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