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#1 Parent expat Teachers Forum - 2009-03-23
Re: Perlandas - their recruitment fees

They are a scam
If they don't have the jobs
If they fail to point out fees are involved
If they misrepresent the jobs

They are a double act that has been going on far too long


#2 Parent Cam - 2008-02-26
Re: Perlandas - their recruitment fees

I went and saw them this week...they made me feel at home for the first few minutes because the company is run by an American (from Tenessee).

However, my feeling about the place changed when they talked to me about a job.

1. Out of ALL the jobs that they had listed on the internet, only ONE was available. The man shoved a laptop towards me and told me to have a look. Fenny and Perlandas ARE everywhere on the internet and they SEEM to have a lot of jobs but for me there was only one available.

2. They handed me a paper which made me promise that I would pay THEM 50 PERCENT of my first month's salary and that I would continue paying them every year that I reknewed the contract. This put a bad taste in my mouth. In my experience, schools usually pay recruiters; prospective teachers shouldn't have to pay!! And 50 percent! The job that they were offering me was about 7000 RMB so I would have had to pay them 3500! That is ridiculous. NOWHERE in their job listings on the internet does it say that the teachers have to pay them. I would have been pretty upset had I come to Shenzhen just for them.

I don't think Perlandas is a scam necessarily but I don't like the way they do business and I don't think there is any reason to use them unless you are really paranoid about finding a good position yourself. I have taught English around the world and I have found that if you ask the right questions and do the right research, you can find these positions on your own!!


#3 Parent xiao xing - 2007-12-16
Re: Perlandas reply (Shaun Goeldner )

So.... we shouldn't trust?

Please, anyone who had some experience tell us more about them!!

#4 Parent CODENAME maverick - 2007-12-03
Re: Perlandas reply (Shaun Goeldner )

yes i have experience with fenny the black liar yes i applied there also well its a bugos company they ask you for requirements and show you the school and walaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH it vanish

#5 Parent Raoul Duke - 2007-11-30
Re: Perlandas *Picture*

No personal experience, happy to say, but I've known a number who have...in addition to seeing a literal avalanche of online reviews from others over some years.
I've never heard a good report or a kind word extended toward this outfit.

Not sure you want to find out the hard way how compelling the evidence really is.

Shaun Goeldner - 2007-11-28

Hi Everyone,I have been curious for a long time about Perlandas in Shenzhen, mainly because of their prolific advertising.So,a few weeks ago,I sent a dummy e-mail to Fenny, pretending to apply for a kindergarten job in Nanshan. I asked about accommodation, Z-visa,residence permits,photos,etc. I recieved an e-mail back,saying the Z-visa will be arranged when I arrive in Shenzhen.

Has anyone reading this forum actually been to Perlandas office, met Fenny,and been placed in employment? I have heard this crowd is really dodgy before, but if you have had personal experience with them, I would like to hear about it. I am really curious about this. Thanks in advance, Shaun

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