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#1 Parent ladychef - 2009-03-30
Re: chinaesl/rebecca


Yes i have worked for Rebecca and i will never do so again. She fired me on a Tuesday night and told me that i would get paid two weeks later. I am still waiting to get paid. The reason i was fired " i was not a good teacher and the students found my classes boring and the school was complaining", yet when i spoke to the students and the school i was told that no complaints had been made about me to Rebecca.

She is a very fishy creature and usually what she advertises for you don't get.

Watch out.

#2 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-15
Re: Recruiters disguised as schools?

While I doubt your sincerity owl, I will oblige you with one I know for sure, or I would not have said anyhitng, and where there is smoke there is fire. Certainly there are others. I mentioned them already, but I guess you do not keep abreast of everything posted here.

One is icecram2hershey, that is their email, a yahoo mail I believe. They are recruiters, yet their posts are listed as schools, though not verified schools. Avoid.

In truth though all you need do is read every single school ad posted, a long job though, and see the schools that have the same email address. A school in Sichuan, Chengdu, Qingdao, if they all have the same email but are different schools, well, you do the math. Could be a conglomerate of course that owns different schools, but unlikely. Also, this one I posted about I have spoken to them diurectly, and them to be recruiters. For any others, you will have to use my simple advice. Keep seeing the same email address attached to many different ads, even if it says it is a school, well, you can do the math ;)

#3 Parent mikey - 2009-01-14
Re: chinaesl/rebecca

Ok maybe i did not articulate correctly, I read on posts other people wrote that """ I have 3 friends working for them""" at least 3 times. They do have a web site chinaesl.com.cn

#4 Parent The Owl - 2009-01-14
Recruiters disguised as schools?

You wrote that some recruiters post as schools on this site (you wrote that you recognized the email addresses of the recruiters). Could you please provide links to these posts, one or more at your convenience?
Your help would be appreciated as I want to avoid such recruiters.

#5 Parent Not surprised anymore - 2009-01-14
Re: chinaesl/rebecca

First of, if you have 3 friends working for them, what do you need our input for?

Secondly, it sounds like a recruiter. If recruiter, please avoid, always. Generally they are scum, though a few are better than the rest.

First off, do they have a website? Is their email connected to a website, or to a yahoo or gmail account?

You have to be careful with these recruiters. The name you mentioned sounds like the typical around and around we go Alias of the recruiters who are so bad they must change their name every month or two.

You can find good jobs with a recruiter, but this is mere happenstance, and usually is not the case, certainly not the rule.

You are better off finding your own work. Just use google, Daves esl cafe, and this site.

Be careful though, I have seen some email addresses I know are for a recruiter listed as schools on this site.

mikey - 2009-01-13

I have a quick question, has anyone worked for Chinaesl/Rebecca or know someone that has???? I have looked all over the net but found only suspect posts ie: everyone says similar things like "i have 3 friends working for them now". Any info is appreciated!!

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